I am really very unhappy and I thought I will share my concern with all the forum members so that you do not repeat the same things when you apply for New Zealand Immigration. I am currently running a business & hence, my personal and official email ID is the same. I get 100’s mails in a day and many of them are marketing mails. I had given the same email ID when I applied for New Zealand Immigration. Since, I receive many mails and there are many that are marketing and spam mails, I had deleted the mail from the New Zealand Immigration, by hindsight. In the meantime, I also moved into our new house, purchased recently and did not update the same on the EOI. Now I realize what a muff up it was. Not only did I lose out on the mail which conveyed that I have received the Invitation to apply for New Zealand but I was also not able to submit the documents for Visa purposes as I had lost out on 4 precious months, when I got a doubt about what has happened to my application. By then, I had lost out on precious time and did not have the time to apply for New Zealand Immigration. And the High Commission asked me to re-submit the EOI in order to get a fresh Invitation. I lost out on lot of time and money and I really regret this now.
So, guys – If you plan to apply for New Zealand or for that matter, any immigration, please create a new email ID. I do understand that many of you might be having a number of email ID’s and it could get difficult for you to remember the same. Hence, I request you to create an email ID which has your full name followed by dot nz or dot aus, depending on the Country you are applying for so that you will remember the email ID and will not lose out on receiving important information from the High Commission. simple example firstname lastname dot nz at gmail dot com