Sample Of A Transfer Letter

Please provide me with samples of transfer letters.
1. A letter notifying an employee that s/he will be transferred to another job.
2. A letter notifying an employee that her/his position description (i.e., job responsibilities) are changing.
Thank you.
The letter you use should reflect the circumstances of the change.
Is it the result of a disciplinary hearing? - if so, you need to include that you conducted an investigation and communicated the outcome with the option to appeal.
Is it the result of incompetence? - If so, has training been offered first, was it accepted? - again records need to be kept and referenced in the letter
Is it simply the companies need to transfer someone from one place to another? - If so, you should consult the employee in question first and document meetings and only transfer once all parties are happy.
These are just three preliminary questions and as you can see the answer is different for all three but the process is the same, simply explain the reason for the transfer and use your documentary evidence.
Of course in all this you need to comply with law, so check to ensure your written stuff complies
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