Simply Excellent !!!! - Jpg Download

Kumar H P
A Norwegian diplomat Charung Gollar was asked to present the UN with a graphical representation highlighting the main problems faced by the world in 2004.
He presented a set of 7 pictures entitled "The power of stars" and was applauded for the simplicity of his idea. In spite of having no pretension at all, his work was presented to participate for the Nobel Prize of Political Marketing.
Attached are the 7 pictures presented by him.
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Kumar H P
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glad to see that atleast this guy didn't mentioned India's name. i really dont understand why do everyone thinks that India is all about pollution & other bad things.
I am proud to b an Indian and would request every Indian to b proud for being born in India.We should not see what country has done for us but let make a list what we have done and can do for our country. Lets do something for our Country since commonwealth is also quite close. Alteast we can keep our local areas clean.
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