How To Start HR Consultancy

Dear Seniors!
I am an HR-Proffesional and wanted your suggestions on my planning of opening a recruitment consultancy. I have more than 4 yrs of experience into hardcore recruitment and worked with HR consultancy throughout...
I need suggestion from you on how to and where to start with...i want to start this at a small level and later grow up suggest me and advice me on this idea of mine.
Waiting for positive response from my seniors!

One of our member on Citehr from South Africa asked this question & i gave him some insights about it. I am posting the same information out here once again. As you yourself is from HR consultancy background so i think you can add more to it & also can come up with more ideas. Hope this will help.................................

To start a recruitment Agency here is what you need to do. Given the fact that you have got yourself registered so one essential part is done. Rests are :

a)If you want to start this agency like a proper office then you have to buy a office space & set up the required infrastructure & get yourself a team .

On the Contrary if initially if you would like to work as a Home run Consultant (preferred if you don’t want to invest heavily just at the beginning) then all you need is a Computer or a Laptop, An internet connection , A landline & Mobile phone & Public email or a private email .

b)Most important if you are working as a one man show then you have to go out & start doing some solid business development i.e. start getting clients who can give you work .For that you can seek leads from Friends /Relatives who are working with companies & may know that their own company is looking to recruit people are in the process of doing the same or else can refer you other companies who is recruiting people. Or just log on to Google & start searching for companies who are recruiting or may recruit & start establishing contact with them.

You have to get the HR /Recruiter contact details of the companies because they are the ones who will give you openings to work on.

c)Once you get the contact details of a HR /Recruiter of a company drop in a mail followed by a call & seek an appointment.

d)Once you get the appointment send that HR/Recruiter a soft copy of your Agency details preferably in a power point presentation & also carry a hard copy when you go to meet the concerned person which should tell :-

1)Background of your agency (Specially what background you are coming from, your credentials, how long back you started this etc etc)

2)Key Clients that you work for or worked for ( If any )

3)Your Research Methodology for finding a suitable candidates

4)What makes you different in the Recruiting Business from other player

5)Narrate about your Office Infrastructure & people in the team (If you have a Office & a team )

6)Why clients should give you positions to work on

7)Key placements that you have done till now (Optional )

You can add more point/s to this if you think that point/s will look attractive & help in selling but don’t make the presentation yawning long . Make it short, precise, crisp. When you meet the concerned person do give a hard copy of your presentation, handbook etc whatever you wish.

e)Get access to some database (paid ones like or other databases like that) Or search on google where you can get some free database or some sites which allow you free job postings. You can also get an access to these data bases on a sharing basis with someone else.

f)Make a contract which needs to be signed between you & client before you start working on the positions given by Client mentioning different clauses , method of payment, fees to be charged etc.

Start working once the Client gives you positions.

It’s a little later stage but once you start getting the flow of positions from Client/s then get yourself registered on Networking sites (like Linked in , Facebook etc ) Good source to connect to prospective candidates .

Best of Luck

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