Hi Nithya,
I am reminded of the story of a black african boy who was standing on a beach watching a man sell gas baloons. This man was taking out colourful baloons from his bag fillthem with gas and release them in air.
This black african boy, who was quite poor, mustered some courage and apprached the baloon man and said " sir, I have been observing you send colouful ballons up in the sky. The white one, blue one, green one and the red one" Tell me sir, he continued "whether a black baloon can also go up inthe sky?"
The baloon man was touched. He picked up the little boy in his arms, took out one black baloon from his bag, filled it with gas and released it in the sky.
The boy was awstruck and looked up to the baloon in surprise.
The baloon man told the boy "remember one thing in life son, what is outside you is not important, but what is inside you, will take you up in life"
I thought I will share this story with you.