Training & Development Implement - XLS Download

Hi Everyone,
I am Pradnya and want to start & implement the Training & Development sessions in our organization.
Will anybody please guide in it. How should I start with it & what should be the procedure I must follow for successful T & D.

Thanks & Regards,
Avani Bhatnagar
I may be of help however, hiring trainers with good amount of experience can be an effective step.
However, before that, I would like to know what is your organisation into?
What kind of training are you looking at?
Do you plan to hire new people/ consider current employees or outsource the training?
What kind of people would you like to train?
What would be the duration of these training programmes?
Kindly answer these.
Thanks and Regards,
Dinesh Divekar
Dear Pradnya,
Good that your organisation has decided to commence training activity. I have considerable experience in this field. I will do the following for you:
a) Making a Training Policy
b) Making a Training manual
c) Making Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
d) Preparation of Training Calendar
e) Preparation of the training objectives for each training programme
f) Post-training evaluation on completion of the training programme
Dinesh V Divekar

Dear Pradnya
First of all the objective must be clear - for this find answers for these questions:
1. WHAT - is the purpose of the Training dep
2. WHO - is it going ton cater to?
3. WHICH type of training(s) needs to be imparted?
4. WHOM - is the training going to be for?
5. WHY - the need for training?
6. HOW - the difference in monetary terms to the organisation
Once some of these answers are clear, then you need to understand what way the management is going to support this dept- how free a hand will you get.
To further help you develop this dept I would like to have an idea of the total workforce and the company structure and products and services.
H Prasad
Sr Trainer & Consultant
Francisca S Rebello
Hi Pradnya,
Hope this would be of help. Here is a outline or the procedure of conducting a training activity. You can modify this according to your organizations size and requirements.
1. Conducting need assessment
2. Ensuring employees readiness for training
3. Creating a learning environment
4. Ensuring transfer of training
5. Developing an evaluation plan
6. Selecting training method and execution of training
7. Monitoring & Evaluating the program
Let me know incase of any questions.
Dear All,
Thank you very much for your kind & useful reply.
This is to inform you that, it is Hospitality Industry where I wanted to start systematic training programma. So initially it would be at grass root level where only Inhouse trainers would be inparting training on emplyees.
As I have taken all the responsibility to coordinate the same, I need guidence from your end.
Hi Pradnya,
Niz tat u gonna create a process. Well, juz follow the points given below.
1. TNI (Training need identification). Identify the needs of your ppl, see wat they want?
2. Do discuss the same with concerned HODs.
3. Finalize and freeze the training modules and the internal faculties/faculty.
4. Prepare feedback form (filled by the audiance, at the end of the programme).
5. PPE (Post program evaluation) has to be done for each and every programme after 3 months from the date of the programme held.
6. MIS and database maintenance
I hope to start with, these points will do....If u have any more me.....keep rockin...........
I would like to know what shall be the level of hierarchy in forming up a training division?
can anyone plz tell me that exactly from which level a training department starts?
Hi Pradnya,
Check out the attachment....
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