Measuring Effectiveness Of Induction

Rohan Kelkar
Dear Freinds,
Induction is one of the most important Function of HR in the Org.
I wanted to know wether we have a special method of "Measurement of Effectiveness of Induction".
Else how do we measure it?
Rohan Kelkar.
Jo Verde
Hi Rohan,
Would agree with you that Induction processes are one of the important functions of HR.
Typically, what we do is interview the new incumbent at the 1 month, 3 months and 6 month periods to determine what went well, what added value, what needs to be modified etc.
This is part of our improvement/quality process and how we gauge our effectiveness. We contact the immediate boss to ascertain their perspective as they are also our client.
Where the incumbent has not met the job requirements of the probationary period, we conduct extensive exit interviews to determine what specifically would/might have made a difference with respect to our internal processes. We find this keeps us current with the issues and ensures that we continually evaluate and evolve our processes.
Hope these thoughts may kindle some applicable ideas for you.
nirmala carvalho
We have developed a 15 minutes quiz based on the various policies, procedures, ethics, etc we expect an employee to cover during his induction. We also have a checklist of the various things employee has to accumulate during his induction, eg. punch card, KRA, reporting structure, policies, ISO knowledge, etc. An employee has to handover the checklist at the end of a month of his joining. At the same time, he also undertakes the quiz and the score is immediately available to him.
hi nirmala,
wat u have mentioned, is immediate effectiveness....
can u suggest some other means for measuring post effectiveness (may be after a period of 6-8 months)
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