Believe It Or Not

whenever you sneez, people around you invariably say,'God, bless you!' Even in Andhra,people utter, CHIRANJEEVA, even in Russia also people say,'Budet, dzarovoe,!meaning , be healthy.Wishing the person who sneezes to be healthy is a common practice world over.But, why?Yes, there is great secret behind it.
Whenever a person sneezes his heart, which doen't stop for even a single moment in his life time, stops for a tiny fraction of a second,,so people around him wish him to say let your heart not remain stopped, in fact the whole body stops working for a fraction of a second.This practice of wishing is happening from the time immemorial.
You should never,ever stop on coming sneez, it is quite dangerous.Stopping sneez may damage nerves in brain or in neck
hey thanks a ton ...very informative post ....but one suggestion for u dont post ever more than 100 words, coz i dont ilke to read those posts..anyway i like ur posting only short and informative and hillarious.....thank u so much
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still we dont have any proof that she is only till then ( i will use bracket) once will get teh proof no bracket then :D
Hey Kittu, Yes you are right!! ' God Bless ' is a way of blessing the person !!
But Actually, I once read another explanation in a book.. Which goes like this..
During the sixth century, there was a plague in english countries.. and when Pope ascended the popecy, his successor died due to the plague. Then he passed on a law, that everyone should say " God Bless" to whoever sneezes.. thus blessing him.. coz the sneezing then indicated that the person is suffering from the plague and thus asking God to bless him with Life!!
she is guy -means......i am in confusion so using both wrds technology yaar ..rathr than using that big bracket ..i am using ths :D
Pallavi pothuraju
c abhi...... runal is cool. malini is cool.moreover kittu is also cool,...... but u and me r fighting to know kittu's gender... very bad
no kittu also confused ..she is only askd BOLO BOLO it should be clear ...wat she/he is ???
ok yaar no prb yaar liya yaar.....she is girl yaar ...Kittu give us a grand party ..coz now we accepted u r girl :D
Pallavi pothuraju
hahahhaha. good kittu.
take this big party abhi and enjoy..... don't take ur dinner tonight ok? :icon6:
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