How To Increase Employee Productivity!!

Hi folks,
I want to know how should i Implement the policies and schemes to ensure employee productivity. Can anyone help me out, this is for Software company.
To increase productivity it is necessary to satisfy employee first. Employee satisfaction is a great term in an organization. Loyalty and satisfaction of an employee can increase productivity of an organization.
I agree with employee satisfaction, but what does employee satisfaction include? that is equally important. It all varies from organisation to organisation. For example in some organisations the salaries paid are too low as per the market but the working environment and atmosphere is good in that case employees are satisfied as far as work enironment is concerned but if salaries paid are too low that may also affect their productivity and vice-versa.

You keep yourself at their place and think what would you like from the organisation? i.e are the policies in favour of the employees, but that just does not mean that you should neglect the interest of the organisation. The policies should be designed in such a way that the employees are taken into consideration, they should feel as a part of the organisation. Once an employee develops confident in the organisation he/she feel that my company takes care of my needs then they will also start taking care of the company. They develop the feeling of belongingness towards the company, and that is the most imporatant thing if this is created then productivity automaticaally increases.

Start implementing one policy at a time and see its effect and then move to others if everything is implemented at one time it may create disturbance amongst the employees. Because people are not ready for immediate change even though the change is for their benefit it takes some time for them to realise its benefits, they may think that as the organisation is going to benefit that is the reason these changes have been made. It is difficult to accept change in life easily we all need some time so do the employees as, even they are like us.

I hope my lecture will be helpful to you in some way. Pls revert if you feel that I am not clear in my message. I would like to know your thoughts.

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