Dear Sir/Mam, As I communicated earlier also, I’m Rabi Sankar Saha, from MHROD (Master of Human Resource and Organization Development) - 2nd Semester; Delhi School of Economics. I’m doing my summer project on a topic named "Benchmarking competencies in different functional jobs in leading Indian IT and ITES companies."
The objective of doing this project is to prioritize through trend analysis and comparison of prevalent set of competencies of different organizations, the most important competencies and skills for a particular functional level job, in IT and ITES companies in India.
I understand the value of your precious time and I assure you it will not take more than 5 minutes of yours.
More over the results of this survey will be made available to all the respondents. I understand the value of your precious time but here I'm taking couple of second from you and sharing an interesting fact about the importance of findings competency in a company today. The recent 'Global Human Capital Study 2005' by IBM consulting services, has identified-
Areas need to take care Weightage (in %)
Improving competencies/skills 38.2
Increasing adaptability/flexibility 35.3
Improving performance management 32.4
Helping the business reach their change objectives 32.4
Improving links with business 29.4
So, you can understand the importance of 'Benchmarking Competencies' in today’s organization.
I sincerely hope that you will help me in taking my first step in the corporate world.
For your convenience I’m also attaching a copy of the questionnaire in the attachment.
Regards & Thanks,
Rabi Sankar Saha,
MHROD-2nd Semester,
Dept. of Commerce,
Delhi School of Economics,
University of Delhi,
Delhi-110 007.
M: +919899803823
The objective of doing this project is to prioritize through trend analysis and comparison of prevalent set of competencies of different organizations, the most important competencies and skills for a particular functional level job, in IT and ITES companies in India.
I understand the value of your precious time and I assure you it will not take more than 5 minutes of yours.
More over the results of this survey will be made available to all the respondents. I understand the value of your precious time but here I'm taking couple of second from you and sharing an interesting fact about the importance of findings competency in a company today. The recent 'Global Human Capital Study 2005' by IBM consulting services, has identified-
Areas need to take care Weightage (in %)
Improving competencies/skills 38.2
Increasing adaptability/flexibility 35.3
Improving performance management 32.4
Helping the business reach their change objectives 32.4
Improving links with business 29.4
So, you can understand the importance of 'Benchmarking Competencies' in today’s organization.
I sincerely hope that you will help me in taking my first step in the corporate world.
For your convenience I’m also attaching a copy of the questionnaire in the attachment.
Regards & Thanks,
Rabi Sankar Saha,
MHROD-2nd Semester,
Dept. of Commerce,
Delhi School of Economics,
University of Delhi,
Delhi-110 007.
M: +919899803823
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