How To Compare 2 Type

Hi everybody,,,
i'm new members joint this forum,,,,im student of Degree Managemant, Wawasan Open University Malaysia . Can anybody guide me how to compare performance management and performance appraisal ,,,
thank you very much for you opinion and info
Performance appraisal is a subset of Performance Management. Please search citehr where the differences have been already covered.
Alternatively, conduct a Google search.
A retired academic in UK.
Dear Mr Nasbramhall,,,
I try find it the compare about performance management and performance appraisal using google search but i cant get the answer ,,,can you help me what actualy the answer
The info you requested in a nutshell.
  • Performance appraisal- Used to conduct in the organisations periodically (Half yearly/annual etc...) to find out the effectiveness of the concerned employee which is done using different models like 360 degree feedback.
  • Performance management- A system which is used with one of its element as 'performance appraisal' by which an employee's performance can be regularly monitored and the findings are used to enrich/improve their performance based upon the organisation's current and future business needs. The main objective is to bring about strong and steady growth in their performance.
Rakesh Upadhyay
Hi, Performance management inorporates performance appraisal ,promotions, career paths etc. when we look at every possible aspect of managing an employee's performance in the organisation then it is performance management.However, performance appraisal is one of the ways,or better to say "tools". through which performance management is done.
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