Termination Letter Not Accepted

Dear seniors and friends,
One permanent employee of our organisation had remained absent without preintimation to hiss seniors.Firstly,we discussed with him regarding this and when he again & again found absent,then we issues memoes to him and demanded his clarification on this.Once we personally discussed with him when we know that he is no longer will work with the organisation.But according to him,he will not resign.On the other hand he climed certain amounts due from organisation on account of Annual incentive,Travelling allowance and mobile allowance.(which not applicable to him )
Considering his non replying to our memoes,we terminated him sending termination letter due to his absense from work.He was designated as
Asst.Manager.we had sent the letter thru regd.ad. post.After 15 days twe got he letter retuned by post with the reason'not claimed'.
In this case what to do as an organisation point of view?
Dear Sdd,
The same incident happened in our company with an empoloyee who was designated as "Manager"....
The only difference was that he had not claimed any amount / dues from the company....
In any of the case, if the Termination Letter has returned or bounced back from the post, then you can / have to send him a legal notice claming to his dues from the company and to accpet his termination letter.....
If at all there is no reply from that employee after the legal notice then your company can file the case against that empoyee in the court...
If the notice sent to his address has been bounced, you can paste it on the notice board of the office/ factory where he was working. An enquiry shall also be initiated against him. Notice of enquiry stating the time and place of hearing shall also be sent to him under registered post with a copy to notice board for display. A notice showing the matter shall also be given in three local newspapers which shall mention about the disciplinary proceedings against the employee. If he turns for hearing the enquiry shall be conducted after serving him a copy of the charge sheet personally. If he does not come for hearing repost it to another date abd communicate the employee accordingly. If he fails to come for the second hearing also, you can verdict exparty and communicate the punishment.
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