Dear Tarun
(1)Rewards & Recognition- Quaterly have a ceremony wherein a set of awards and certificates are rolled out to achievers/best team players/best teams/upcoming stars, etc.
(2) A good growth plan- I'd developed a concept in my BPO experience when attrition had become a major concern. I came up with a concept called IDP(Internal Development Programme). Herein employees are evaluated on a monthly basis on some basic factors. 10-20 employees are identified every quater to be grommed with trainings . These employees are then eligigible for IJP(Internal Job Posting) which means only these employees are eligible to move on to the next level. This concept has helped a lot:- regular assessment to identify performance degradation regulary on a monthly basis, grooming of employees, rise in performance level round the year as they know that every months' performance will count in IDP & IJP.
(3) Certification sponsorships- like Six Sigma, Black belt, green belt. Employees can complete these certifications and if they are 1 yr old in the organization, their certification will be financed by the company. We have a policy for this regarding eligibility.can differ from organization to organization.
(4) Panel of SPOC's - WE have PANEL in Upper/Middle and Lower management wherein employees are identified as a part of PANEL from all levels.