AC In The Office Is A Big Health Problem - Please Help Me In This Regard

ambika ravula
Hi , my office is centralized AC and I am a Asthama patient now how can get rid of this problem.please suggest me other alternate - can I discuss with the management about this. waiting for the reply.
Firstly try to find a seat where the a/c blow is less or no blow.
Cover ur ears with cotton to prevent the cold air to pas thru & have warm water4 drinking.
Before discussing the issuw with the mgmt try & discuss de issue with ur immediate boss and seek his suggestion/help. Then u cud proceed further.
Dear, your problem is genuine.... but have you noticed that almost all offices have centralised ACs. So the best thing to do is to first ask your doctor what should you be doing? What care should you be taking etc, in case you HAVE TO be in that environment. Then you can always ask your boss for a 'less cold' place to sit.
Wish you good health.
hi ambika,
your problem is quite genuine, and who else can understand its severity than someone who is a fellow sufferrer! i too am sufferring from the same problem and had to take 4 days leave from office because i had a completely congested chest!i have allergic asthma and the ac environment does not suit me at all. i have requested my boss to allot me a chamber where the ac is not very cold. that seems to be the only way out as most of the offices are centralized ac these days. apart from that,do try to carry a shawl or stole and keep your ears protected from direct contact with cold air. all the best and take care:icon1:
Sushila Yadav
Hi ambika;
I m facing same situation, In my office everytime AC Temp. on 17.
My doctor suggest try to avoid AC or control on its speed.
Everytime i m suffering frm cold and spoil health slowly.
I also not found any solution.
There should be some rules regarding these situations.
Thanks & regards
Sushila Yadav
Dear all,
They is solution absolutely, if not 100% but you can reduce this problem to 50% by technical and 50% by you and magmt support ok.
1) If you find suitsble firson who knows abt the centralised ac, u can find d pl where it ac blows at low pressure, also there is possibiltiy of blocking single duct where you want reduce the cool & also temp settings can remonitered i mean calibrate for the right temp suitable for health.
2)If management supports, u can find the pl where ac is not covered.
Ash Mathew
Hi Ambika,
One of my ex-colleagues had this ussue. Suggestion given was : WEAR A SWEATER.
You see people feeling cold can wear extra clothes... but what about people who feel hot. They cant undress :-)
I hope you take this in the lighter sense. This was the suggestion given to the previous company colleague where I worked. He accepted it... slowly after a few days he started to feel better and understand why for one person everyone else should not feel uncomfortable.
Ash Mathew
Dear Sushila,
Same as above - try usign a sweater. Well, when we had this issue, our company mentioned that the a/c should be set only at 23 or 24, nothing below that.
What Asha said can be welcomed....apart from that do try to cover your nose and ear using a mask...this can give you an immediate effect...
Sushila Yadav
I am agree with Mr. raghu and Mr. mahesh reply.
But not agree with Mr. mathew (Wearing sweater in the summer is not a sense)
Make uniform rule is looking quite fruitful.
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