Should HR People Work Between 9 To 6 Only...?

Comparatively, HR job isn't that hectic. I feel its a routine job & if managed well one can finish the work in the stipulated timeframe.
a person can organise his/her work then it is easy to do.
Hi All,
I personally feel that this topic is irrelevent. I agree with Arun. Any job is a passion, leave alone that you are working for your needs! If you love your job, there is no time limit for you to spend! You love your family, children and do you restrict the timings to spend with them? Though you have work, you spend some extra time with your loved ones. Then why not you apply the same to your profession/job? Why only for HR people?? After completing the job, whatever the time is, please ask yourself whether you have done the work satisfactorily today? If the answer is YES, you have done justice to your profession/job. If you need to stay back the whole night in the interest of your workers, organisation, you need to stay back. That much commitment should be there.
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Hi its a nice topic for discussion. It is not mandatory that HR professionals shud work between 9 to 6. accordingly it shud be flexible. Because most of the time i am working beyond six. We may even have meetings after this time, or we may have other works related with training, recruitment etc. We cannot just leave it like a mere office work, because we are holding very responible position
with regards
Really a nice point of discussion.

Iam working as a HR manager in a product development company and i won't stay in the office after 6 P.M almost 80% of the time.The reason is as I found out HR activities are connected with employees and I hope everybody wud agree when I say that almost 80% of the dont work or they dont have to work after their shifts. Hence, most of the times, I wont have much to do after the office shift, hence I leave.

Saying this, as HR people we also have our own targets & deadlines to meet like urgent requirement, a new policy, appraisals etc and during those times, we have to work overtime.Infact, during the end of financial year when our production people were doing double shifts, I used to just stay at the office until 12-1 A.M, just to say that I do understand their pain.

Take the case of IT professionals as well, there overtime increases as they near their target date.

Hence, I conclude that staying in an office overtime just depends on the work of the professional and HR person is no different.
Hi All,
My Experience Is That Hr People Cannot Manage Bet'n 9to 6, At The Time Of Salary, Incrementand Other Problems Like Strike .
Thanks & Regards
"Should HR people work between 9-6 only"
It depands upon the work,or you can say the targets,beat in recruitments,PMS,Payroll,Grievence Handling & training which we have to complete at the ceratin time,and for this we have to sit apart from the office timings ,than we have to sit,to complete the targets,as per the requirements.
But according to me it depands upon the office timings too,being in HR,if we will be working less than the other employess than we cant say the other to work at the time.
And some how we have to manage the time,according to meet our personal things
Thanks & Regards
Praveen Kumar l
Hi Guys,
This is era where we call "work from home", timing really does't matter, It is upon the individual how well he manages the time and can winde it up. There ae some situations where HR should never restrict themselves in the time bound.
Hope U guys better understand.
Thank You
With regards
Praveen Kumar
Ashwini S Joshi
Hi All,
I think the timing for HR People varies from function to function. For salary calculation & Recruitment one may have to put in extra hours otherwise for other personnel related activities 9 to 6 is enough.
On a more personal note, I think HR people should make it a habit to complete the tasks as soon as possible, so that there is no pendency & one can leave work at the normal timing. Also I think it is not physically possible for anyone to work EFFICIENTLY beyond a point of time in a given day.
Ashwini Joshi.

I do not subscribe to the norms of late sitting in office. If I am unable to finish my work in the given 8 hours then I should seriously look into the way I am working. And we all know it is not the number of hours you put in but the quality of work you can achieve or the productivity per hour which counts. I agree there are times when it is required to sit back late mainly during the appraisal months but it should not be a norm everyday. I normally leave on time at 6pm but then I have been in office when required till 12 midnight. It all depends on work load, its urgency.

If everyone is sitting late everyday one should probe further to see if the dept is stretched to the limit and need more resources. E.g most of our HR personnels sit till 8pm but then we have a 1:150 ratio ( 3000+ employees and only 20 HR personnels). Or if only a few personnels are working late then one should see if they are being over burdened because they are the only ones who do good work or do they require any sort of training to do effecient work?

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