Safety Videos Library - Zip Download

Dear Dipil,
thanks for your feedback. This certainly proves your tagline "Together Everyone Achieves More".
Attaching once again the same video. Hope this time it will open.
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Dear Firoz
It's still not opening... I have even send the attachment to my IT dept., but they also fail to open this file... It's correpted... Please send it again...
Can you able to play it's in your computer?
Just have a look into the final part of Scaffold Erection Procedure... Hope all of you like the entire part of videos
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Dear Dipil,
M really sorry for that. I donno what is wrong with that. It is playing well in my pc. However i am attaching another viersion .. plz do let me know is this working or not?
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Dear Firoz
This time its get open... Really the message conveying through the film is very good...
The problem with people is that they don't need to take advice even they don't know the things... Great video...
Now just have a look into this road accident film...
The message can be: Anything can happen at anytime...
Let's keep up the pace!!!
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Dear Dipil,
Shocking to see the video... even my boss was surprised and he wants to share the same in our Management Council Meeting as it clearly captures several road safety points which need to be kept in mind while on road. Be it as a person walking on road or a person driving a vehicle.
Would be happy if you could share videos on safety at home or away from work.
Another one from me on road safety itself.
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Dear Firoz
Thanks for your comments... In that video the lady who was walking over road side, not even think of such an accident even in her dreams... So the caption I give as Anything Can Happen at Any time...
Now regarding your video... It was really horrible one... Thanks for sharing...
Lets have a look into another video on House Keeping... I think you can use this for a training on Home Safety also... Let me try to pull out more on this kind...Out of work...
Keep up the pace...
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hansa vyas
Dear all,
plz find the movie attached. It will be helpful in training the people that how serious of unsafe act & condition leds to accident.
@ Firepro: Hat -off for sharing NAPO series
@ Thanks to all for contributing.
Hansa Vyas
Top drawer Video Dipil
As a former police officer and accident reconstructionist
I know that seat belt save lifes, after three high speed chases that went wrong and of those three chases all were serious accidents for me, the seat belt was the only thing that saved my life as the passanger three times
Police Partners Yikes what can I say
But I know from traffic accident reconstruction that seat belts do save lives, it like being prepared when you do fall provention on site training or work at elevated locations, you dont plan to fall or have an accident but you can thank your god that when it happens you are thankfull for wearing the gear, and P P E is not just another thing to put on like a seat belt it the first thing you should put on
Dear Terry
I am very happy to see your participation... Warm welcome to this great forum...
I hope you enjoy the films... Did you gone through the entire collection or just the first one... Its having more than 40 film as on today... With the help of other members we are adding more videos on day to day basis... So request you, if you having videos come and post the same...
I am very happy and thankful to you for have a look into the site and for participation...
Keep on participate...
Dear HR professional friends,

If HR people have to influence and bring change in Behaviour of others to make them adopt safety habits, it is not only about showing people various ppt/ films.

Suggest that we all take pledge of doing the following:

1. Wearing ISI marked Good quality helmets whenever WE are on a Two Wheeler (as Driver or sitting behind as pillion rider), with the chin strap properly fixed.

2. Wearing seat belts whenever WE are in a four wheeler (sitting on any seat - as Driver or passenger in front or rear of the four wheeler)

3. Not speaking on mobile phone when WE are driving

4. Conducting training for all people in our organisations where all the films/ ppt can be used. But unless we have been seen by all the employees practising the safe habits, the training we impart may not have the desired effect.

I have been driving two-/ four- wheelers for over three decades now, and always use helmet/ seat belt. Had two falls from two wheeler during 1985 to 1990. Bought new helmet after each fall. So far spent not more than Rs.2000=00 on Helmet but it has been worthwhile. Am around to share this with you all.

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