yes i am agree with you - but one thing that i wants to share with you as as HR person, why organizations prefers a full time MBA person, because when the person is full time in university he is more in to that education system and education line. more into discussions and debates, which make him more confident in his/her communication skills and self confident. and those who do it part time mostly involves in jobs in first time, so in their busy schedule they can't spare more time with different professional, teachers, professors and even students (the debate between students is also very fruit full for once learning, which limits them in a circle where the are doing job - it limits the universality of the concept of university - but the one who is in full time MBA, pass his/her most of the time in university and fully enjoy the life over their and learn in every minute S/he spends in the university. so all these positives of full time education bonds Professionals to hire the person who is full time in university......