Blogs By Govind Sharma - Doc Download

Sanjeev Varshneya
If any employee is absent on saturday and monday than no salary will be paid for sunday.
Sanjeev Varshneya
No, it is wrong.
Every state shops and establishment Act allow a weekly off. you cannot penalise somebody if they are taking off on Saturday and Monday.
Yes, in case of sick leave and maternity leave, this process/ system may be applicable.
You need to understand clearly that you cannot penalise somebody for taking leave.

Since it is a construction industry, The Assam Shops and Establishment Act 1971 is applicable to this organisation. So you should check following things:

1. 3 days compulsory leave for celebrating religious function section 11 (9),

2. As per the section 13 (1) of the said Act, 13 PL with full wages is mandatory for all the employees who completes 1 years (240 days) continuous service. This PL cannot be clubbed with above mentioned holidays, weekly off and any other holidays. It can be accumulated for maximum 30 days in next year and whatever is left, you need to pay for it.

3. As per the section 1392) you also need to give 12 days medical leave or sick leave with pay for the employees who completes 1 years of service.

It can be given onn the ground of any sickness incurred or accident sustained by him and to casual leave with wages for a period not exceeding twelve days on any reasonable ground. It is not encashable so end of the year it gets lapse.

Whatever you have planned is fine, you can modify it as per the mutual benefit and which can create a win win situation for employer and employee, you just need to comply with above sections.

I hope I have cleared your doubt

lata rana
Hi ,
would anyone tell me about all leave system with explanation actually I am not working in a big Organization, so no leave system is there and I have complete ma MBA ,so I should know about leave system please let me know about this
Hi Lata,
Don't mind but this is problem with today's B school who do not impart practical training to students at all.
further, kindly go through the entire posting (you should read every posting and replies so you will be aware)
First of all, leave has to be in accordance with respective state's shops and establishment Act or Factories Act
Second, you need to make it as per the culture and to make it beneficial for both- employer and employee
There is no ready made short cut for everything.
Exactly. A employee who absonds from work prefixing / suffixing a w/off then he is not entitled payment for that particular w/off
In my previous company following was the system.
CL - 10
SL - 10
PL - 30
Employee earn 2.5 PL on completion of One month working and it credit in his leave account next english year.
If a employee join company on probation of 6 months he gets 5 SL. On completion of his probation he gets 5 more SL.
We also had a system of SL. We had a system of additional Off on IInd and IV Saturday for the Mgmt employee. People who gets off on II and IV saturday they gets only 10 SL. And those who were not eligible for Off on Saturday they were entitled for 20 Sl
Hi Govind,
Please solve one more query that, is there any compulsion towards no of holidays in a year. Also how much should be the cash amount towards one PL.
Company is following these rules before i joined this firm & they are mostly following West Bengal regulations & now have started following Maharashtra regulations as earlier no HR was there for this region.
The encashment should be on Basic + DA, if you are liberal, you can give on CTC also but as per the law it should be calculated on the basic salary
you can use following formula:
Monthly basic + Monthly DA / 26 X no. of PL to be encashed
Yes, as per the National Holidays and Festivals Act following are mandatory holidays
26th Jan
15th August
2nd October
and state may additionally notify for example in Maharashtra 1st May (Maharashtra day) is mandatory
So as per Maharashtra act 21 PL are compulsory, with en cashable facility as per the decision (no of days) of the company. Only 4 holidays are mandatory & no compulsion of CL/SL. Rest it depends on the company if they want to add more leaves.
Thanks for all your help. This will really help me out to make a better leave structure for my company.
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