Frequent Resignation? - Doc Download

The main solution is not having a bond as some one said.. Its so gross... how many more days can u hold them in bond, when the bond is over,, ppl will quit. Managers are most of the reason why an employee quits. Find out from the employees of that particular department and show that u r genuine and would take necessary action on that erring manager. The associates will believe u... in the project i left, ppl leave every month. we used to have party thrown by those employees so we used to have such a thing every month. Junior colleagues too left. So you would be knowing the problem . I left because i did not see any career growth... Cash growth is also a part but career growth is also more important. When associate feels that his manager or anyone above the manager are not sincere about your growth, then associate will not get the interest in him to work anymore. Before that happens and the entire department collapses..take the right action
Mithun Gupta
As our other friends mentioned you should detailed exit-interviews a[art from that you can do formal or informal session with various teams in your organisation to do pulse checking. You can also do skip levels at all levels. These kinds of sessions will provide you insight of various departments or employees at various levels. Then you can do analysis and come up with next steps.
Let me know in case you required some more details.
Mithun Gupta
First of all , its clear there is no employee angagement with the organisation. Pl work on this.
secondly it could be a problem with a particular manager of the department who could be sufferring from Altruistic behaviour and also making demands from subordinates in terms of work which are un realistic. may be he / she uses abusive language, short a bully and in these dyas who would put up with such behaviour?
Pl take feed back from remaining employees in a in formal chat and you get clues for such exodus.
Vasant Nair
Dear Friend,
You should do an honest "Climate Survey" and identify the root cause/causes of such exetnsive employee dissatisfaction.
Once you are able to list out the causes then find ways of addressing them.
Only then will you be able to stem the rot.
If the employee strength is not too larage, make it a practice to sit with each one of them, say six employee per day depending upon the kind of time you have to do this each day. You will then discover the real causes of such widespread disgruntlement and you can then decide upon the solutions.
Best Wishes,
Vasant Nair
check the head of the department attitude and behavior. Also there may be salary disparity. Also that department domin is demanded one. If more entry level person taken at one go two years back that also may be reason. Is salary is paid on 31st or is there is message of any funds constrain going around
Did you have discussion with CEO. Whats his opinion? Hire OD Consultant to engage with CEO. They are more equipped to "talk to CEO".
first to know the reason, why it happen by way of doing exite interview but best way culd be to know the phycology of the people, bcz in exit interview, its very difficult to know the actual facts, no body will tell the reason, except the basic thing. Only salary could not be the reason, in more cases it has been found the there are other factors which influance the salary, but the reason could be other. So you can do the Employee satisfactory survey or you can compare your currebt system, policy and procedure with similar kind of industries then make a comparison and on that basis make action plan for the same.
1.Condcut an exit interview with a predesigned form (you can down load forms from the internet) , let the employee fill in same and then fix a date and time to go through same with employee, have the meeting only with HR and on the last day, employee will be willing to speak.
2. Identify and address reason, dont do with salary hikes leave that to the annual incriments if not it will turn into a habit
3. Have some team building activities, take around 1/2 hour from work once a week.
4. Have informal discussions with employees during lunch and identify pulse of the employees
5. Sit with the concerned managers, check their management style, make emp. turnover control a KPI for the managers
Good luck
Where are the replies??????????? In my mail its showing that this question has 56 replies and 1029 views....where are those?
Employees do give resignations so many reasons, when they get better oppurtunity then their present work,but as compare to your setuations is different becouse there are so many employees are given resignation in the same department the case i'm very much sure that they are n't fealing happy the head or manager of that department that is the reason, and try it to understand the reason they are leaving by asking them
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