Job In Nigeria: Please Help - Doc Download

Hello Santosh,
This is fake, the address that was given is very close to my office and i sent my assistant to check it out, and i was not able to get anything about them. You know this forum have been very useful to me and i will do everything within mycapabilities to assist others.
I called the number, it was never reachable, why will you use a number that cannot be reachable on someone's offer letter.
Also the offer letter has no logo and here in Nigeria when giving out offer letter, it must be on your company letterheads paper, moreso, there are recruitment processes that you have to follow, i work in a Human Resource Consulting Firm and we recruit globally, there was never a time we had recruited someone we did not have any personal contact with.
Do not mind them IT IS FAKE.
this should help you out, as i got a mail very recently from nigeria regarding a very senior position. check out the attachment.
1 Attachment(s) [Login To View]

Hi Ajay...
Thanks for your information. Im new to this field and frankly speaking I dont know much about these FAKE offers....
Thanks again....
Dear Santosh,
Even I agree with the Rajeev. Even I have received an offer from Nigeria for AFROJET AIRLINES LIMITED. I have received a mail from the company itself. You contact the Nigerian Immigration Office in Nigeria. Thaswhat I am doing.
In my case they are giving me one month salary in advance once I get my work permit and VISA from Nigerian Immigration office.
The address of Immigration in ur letter is same as mine. Only the e-mail ID is different.
Just let me know 2 things?
Ur letter came in word format or PDF.
And through which conslutant?
Rest all u will come to know once u contact Immigration office.
Pushpa Bathyal
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Dear Santosh.
I agree with Rajeev and would suggest u to get in touch with Immigration office in Nigeria. The address they have mentioned is correct.
Even I have received a similar mail from Nigeria. Its AFROJET AIRLINES Ltd.. Even they asked me to consult with Immigration office.
If its a fraud case, then they will not give you the correct address. Because 2 diff fraud people can not give you correct address. And ur consultant is also diff then mine.
They must have taken ur database from naukari or times? If it is so,
let me know. They refered me saying they have taken my resume from Timesjob.
Rest will discuss once get response from your end.
Pushpa Bathyal
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HI Santosh ,
I think many of the scams are Orginated from Nigeria (Including Lottery scams and many more ).
I would like to share this with you which i got it from their News Room), You can also check it on their site .
I hope this will help you out .
Sep. 01, 06 The Nigeria Prize for Literature Committee to Announce Shortlist

Special reports
Parameters for assessing the Micro-Credit scheme
Scam Alerts
It has come to our attention that some individuals are contacting people via e-mail and or publications in the internet claiming to be recruitment agents of NLNG [/b][/b][/b][/color]
Thanks and Regards
If you dont mind, can u plz check the same for me as well?????
Got an offer in PDF format with logo and seal and written "signed, sealed and delivered for and on behalf of : Afrijet Airlines".
I have checked their website, the same names apear in their directors lists.
the website is Their contact no. is 234-703-089-6244.
I will be very much greatful to you.
Thanks and regards,
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Hi All,

It is undoubtedly a fake letter and one of the many scams erupting / emerging out of these African nations.

Sonia: The aftermath of getting into the trap is losing your hardearned money. Why would anyone pay you one month's salary in advance without getting a minutes work from you? Has it ever happened? atleast in this day and age?

Some food for thought.

Guys: Even if you get genuine offers from the african nations, my word of advice would be DO NOT GO. Almost all the nations in Africa are undergoing civil war and life aint easy trying to dodge the bullets, gunfire, kidnappings, rape et all.

As the saying goes, Jaan hai toh Jahaan will come when it is destined. So don't throw caution to the winds and indulge on a journey which will only end in the grave.

This post is not intended to hurt anyone's sentiments.

This post is being written after hearing horror stories from people who went to work in africa and came back disillusioned and poorer.

- Richa
Erefa Fynecontry
Hi santosh,
I can assure you this is a fake letter of employment, i work with a recruitment agency in Nigeria and i know the NLNG will not offer you a position as HR manager without speaking with you and having several interviews with you even if they have to pay for you to come into the country or send someone to meet with you in India. Please try not to continue communications with these fraudulent people, many people have fallen for thier schemes and have suffered great losses.
In future, if you are being contacted by a recruitment agency in Nigeria, do a goggle search on list of recruitment agencies in Nigeria or the name of the agency contacting you.
If you are looking to work in Nigeria, pls contact me via my email [Login to view]/ [Login to view]. you can also visit our website on
Hi Santosh,
This is a fake offer letter.Checkout the email ids.
For further details you can mail nigerian embassy.
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