Problem With Management / Directors

Dear S Ratna,
I appreciate your patience to survive in this co. till nw...Even i thnk dat dey hav nthng better 2 do dan 2 inturrupt HR activities...
This co. is nt at all employee centric n will not pay heed even if you try to reslove this situation...
So its better dat u find a nw place fr urslf its nt da rite place fr sure....:(
Im sure dat u will be able to rock smwere else...Cheers...all da bst...
Revathi HR
In small companies this is the scenario generally coz the directors are the owners of the company.They follow dictatorship method. I would suggest you not to lose your enthusiasm and courage.Try for a better job.Pls dnt think that its recession time and no jobs in the market.Pls remove this notion frm ur mind.Coz in this tym also many companies are hiring ppl. I have expereinced almost the same things that u have.I was working as an executive there.I finally left that job and started looking for new opportunities and got a new job as a Manager. All these happened last month only when its still recession according to everyone.
And I would suggest you to leave the company with a smile rather than fighting with them. Because you never know you may in need of them in future.
I am suggesting you all these things because even I did the same. Always remember, Never behave in such a way that you seem to be in the fault. Be good to everyone(no matter its show- off).In corporate world, you have to show off that you are very good and nice.This is what I have learnt from my last company which was my first work experience.
Hi Sunita,
In my opinion and way of working, if you have any sort of expertise with you and the confidence then don't waste your time there. There is nothing that can be improved or changed.
Vikas Kumar
Hi Suneeta,
What I think is due to the recession they are asking you to take all permissions.
As you have told that it is a small organisation they need to moniter everything.
Are you new to the org or you are old enough? Probably based on your exp the access is given.
Just wanted to know whether your director is satisfied with your work or he is not.
I think Sunita...You are only left with an opion to hop in for a job change only. Somehow, I am having the intution..that you directors are bothering you willingly..Not sure though...We have very sinior people available here hey might give you a better suggestion..
Since so far you have tolerated a lot. You can bear with them for some more time untill you get a nice job in your hand.
I know and understand though it really ecomes very difficult to work in an environment wherein you really need to seek in for a persmission for each and everything and cant decide on anything by your own.
But, you can try divert your mind in reading some HR policies, manuals and material etc.
Wish you luck,
Dear Ms RATNA,
I am also facing the same problem . In my company also same is teh case , and i think its worse as i have to take care of complete administration including taxation and other legal issues, central excise issues. etc.
So have patience untill you can , otherwise simply leave, by giving them a decent smile. I pray everything just get better very soon.
I would like to thanks, everyone.

Lipi , they are not behaving like this due to rescission, because all old employees of this company vouch that they are habitual to behave like this only, and with me they are not so rude but their insensitive behavior with other employees is causing negative environment in the company, everyone have problems with them and from last one year (since I have join this company as a HR) all employees show their anger to me, no one (employees) realize my position that how much I had tried to resolve the problems , all the time they used to disparage me . I really want to improve the work environment, and the employee – employer relations, but feeling so helpless.
To rise above, I have plan to prepare one list mentioning all the issue which I feel are necessary to discus for the betterment of the company and it’s employees and off-course for the employers (to save their reputation) and one more time I’ll try to discuss with them and if this time also they aim to overlook, then for sure I’ll resign.

If anyone have any suggestions please help me. I would be grateful.
Please also let me know if you feel that I am lacking somewhere.
Thanks & Regards,
S. Ratna
Dear Sunitha,
Get rid of the job as soon as possible before it gets worst. So, carefully choose the organisation for tour next job.
All the Best.
i am also agree with all of our friend. This type of happening always exists in mostly small organisation. You can search job in another organisation but don't take any decision in hurry.
Dear Sunita,
Its really a very pathatic situation,I am of the view that you should serch other appropriate opertunity.Self respect & Job Satisfaction both are most primitive employment elements,
Good Luck & All the Best,
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