Employee Lost Memory In An Accident - DOC Download

'Fire' is a last resort (normally measured to people who have negative track record), you are quoting accident!!!! in this case.
Please re-think 'accident' can it be reasonably justifiable as ‘last resort’, according to me NO.
Social responsibility lies with the company. If company don't have such policies to tackle such exigencies, it's better to have for such genuine cases.
Think of the past, where the company might have got benefited when he/she was fit and fine at work. If yes, he will not be liability to the company.
Please don’t forget, Swamy Vivekananda’s wordings –
Arise, awake, stop not till the goal is reached.
Please take this case as a challenge – All the best.
Hi Vidhi,
Firsty I woud like to know if ur employees are insured under some mediclaim benefit.
Generally companies insure their employees under some mediclaim benefit. U can rest the employee under that scheme ,
He will be on the rolls of the company but on leave without pay. He can claim the salary from the insurance office with your help.
Else u can approach the management , may be some special consideration can be taken by resting him & giving him some part of his salary.
Rest prayers for him to get well soon!
Pradipta Kumar Samal
All the participaed members have offered wise suggestions.
Even you can consider a member (Wife or son) of the said employee be employed in the organisation according to the qualification & Competency of the wife/Son.
Dear Mr.Vidhi18,

I do regret the situation the organisation facing. First of all you have not mentioned about the accident where it had happened. Whether it is during on duty time or at home. If it had happened on duty the legal complecation should thorughly be identified before taking any move.

I feel pity on the employee, the organisation is seeing him now as liability when he become non-productive. I don't know how long he was serving in the organisation. If he would have contributed to the growth of the organisation atleast now the management can think about to treat him or give earning opportunity for one of the family member.

Now a days my friends, the employee management is not as earlier like personnel management - treat him as a servent; it is called now human resource to develop resouces for mutual growth. Still there are many organisations are in India who treat their employees as assest not as a liability. If there is a "WILL" there is a "WAY".

My sincere prayer to the Almighty to that the employee will get his memory soon and serve to your organisation's growth.



I hope your company has insurance (Medical & Accident Relief) for all your employees. This will take care of the medical costs to some extent. Like in our office we all have coverage up to Rs. 1 Lakh fully paid by our company. Even though we are just a 15 member organization, we decided to have this. Coming to the memory loss: Usually it is the short term memory that is lost. People do not forget the language, education, etc. as it is stored in a different part of the memory. If this is the prognosis, then he should be able to pick up things in some time (you do not want to rush in). However, if the accident has left him with permanent brain damage (I sincerely hope it is not the case), then you might consider immediate financial assistance (based on your organization capacity) and probably offer a job to his family member in your organization, based on his / her education / skill set. This should give the family some stability in terms of income.

I am not an expert in legal matters, so will not comment on it.


Hi Vidhi!
Your posting this question itself shows your concern and your "Humanity".
I would like to know if your organisation has some tie-ups with Insurance companies or your employees are covered under it.
If this is the case, Insurance company can take care of medical expenses and you can offer some compensation.
Please note that "Workmen's Compensation Act'1923 & 1924" safeguards the interest of the Employees.
Paying no compensation is out of question legally, socially and morally.

We pray for the well being of this employee.
Smita Brahmachari
Hi All,

Such is the situation which calls for humane angle to be put into picture.

What if We were in the position he is right now..?? and look at his family..the ordeal they might be going through....we simply cant be inhuman and cant even think of getting rid of him whenever he is in need and then he who devoted a part of his life for the welfare of the organization..

Let us be realistic ..and think of following solutions...

Create a Fund for his speedy recovery or to take care of his family..as per the requirements...All employees should contribute a minimum amount of fund in that Pool, but a significant part..say 5000/- Rs.depending upon his/her earning capacity...barring supporting staff....(but they can also be made to contribute a small part like 200/- from their salaries.)

After the money is collected from the employees, same amount must be contributed by the organization...the total fund be used "WISELY" for meeting medical needs, and some part invested in some scheme so that his family gets recurring benefits...That way the things can be taken care of to certain extent..by the time let us hope that he recovers with this kind gestures acting as balm on his traumas..

best of luck...i wud be happy to listen to the person concerned in this connection...at [Login to view]
Hi Vidhi
You must pay the employee some compansation considering human factor. also if memory comes back same employee will be obliged and can prove to b a grt asset 4 ur company plus it will create a goodwill also
As a socially responsible corporate, PLEASE provide employment to his nearest family member.
M Rama Krishna
TQM & Business Excellence
Dear vidhi,
I personally feel that you should take some steps for his treatment & still if the condition is same you can hire his son /daughter (if he/she is eligible) to any of the suitable posts in your co. This will help his family and will be ethical on your part also.
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