Re: How Much CL And SL Will Be In One Year

Dear Citehr members,
I have a different query that is
Suppose an employee named A has not taken a single leave during past year and had earned leaves 15 so will his EL be carried forward or he will be paid for the leaves next year.
Dear Asmita,
His ELs will be carried forward. Again that depends on company's leave policy, as to how much EL can be accrued. Normally over and above accrual limit, the ELs are encashed in the subsequent financial year.
With regards,
Dear Madhusudhan
Thank you for your reply.
so if the accrual limit is 15 for 1 year then will he be paid for that before starting new year.
Dear Asmita,
It is in the subsequent financial year the accrued leaves are encashed, that are available in the employee credit over and above the ceiling.
sharmila yadav
CL- 12 IN A YEAR CANNOT CLAIM MORE THAN 2 IN A MONTH WITH PRIOR INFORM APPLICATION TO BE FILED AND hr or hod to approve the same if not done than leave without pay.
SL-7 in a year need to submit Doctor Medical Certificate CAN CLAIM ALL ONCE
PL/EL-COMPLETING 365 DAYS IN A YEAR can claim 12 EL in a year can take also can incash also.
But Management have right to change anything this we follow and many of my fnds who are in hr in different company follow the same.
Dear Sharmila,
If an employee joins a company in July 2012 when will he be entitled for EL he has earned.
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