Result of absconding from job if employer refuses to accept resignation

Tushar Tandon
Dear All,
D'abord thanks a lot for all your suggestions&feedbacks.
To answer some of the replies and to make it more specific case here are some more points to help you commenting in the case.
He is not abide by any BOND or any other document, the HR policy clearly says 1month notice period or 1 month basic salary (my friend is ready to pay that, as he is not able to serve the 1 month notice period).
Absonding actually means to secretly run away!!!i totally agree with you but as u suggested that he could have taken this to higher level!!BUT DOES THE PROBLEM ACTUALLY GETS RESOLVED IF ESCALATED?? y answer to that question will be a BIG NO!!!!
there is a beautiful quote in hindi.....kaan idhar se na pakadke udhar se pakad lena!!!
saying things in a different manner!!!
Are we on the same page Seniors???? because i have many of my colleagues which agree to this
parvathy ramesh
Hi Tushar
Absconding from work is not a remedy. If an MNC did not want to relieve your friend it could be for a cpouple of reasons:
1. He is so good that they cant find a replacement. In this case the company will always try to negotiate with the employee.
2. He is under contact to be with the company for X period. In this case the company could slap a legal notice. It would black list the person, which means that getting a good job in a good company would become really difficult in the future.
Pls do not advise any one to abscond from work.
Wishing you well
If you work as a Hr , you know what implications of Absconding will lead to.
1. The Eployee finance data for the period he has worked.
2. His PF details and dues.
3. The Assets that have been ordered in his name and id
4. his email id
5. his transport arrangement
6. His team size and reports
7. his projects that have been affected.
8. the clients that he catered to
the list may go on.
One needs to be careful and close the obligations from his end before leaving the job, if something goes wrong he may be in a very bad position someday.
.....sandeep sable
I 100% agree with Vasant comment, never abscond from the services.
Who knows when we need our service letters in future if a person really has its own goals and achievements.
Its compulsory to have all our exp letters and clear statement from the companies where we have worked...
Please do not suggest any employee to abscond from the services for their bright future.
It would have been best if you were to consult the group before giving idea to ur friend. As one of our team members have already suggested, it's better that ur friend writes to the HR or the senior management regarding the problem.
What I beleive is when anyone leaves the job, it should be always after completing all the formalities. World is very small, what will your friend do if he meets his boss in the next company?
Betsy Varghese
Dear Tushar,
Absond would mean an employee is absent from the duties without any prior notice to the employer.... In your case, you cannot name it absconding since he is ready for resignation... but the employer is not ready to accept. First confirm whether he has given his resignation in writing... if not ask him to keep the same at the earliest...Because employer can sue him for double employment?
Dear Tushar,
Kudos to you,, I appreciate your decision.
Here the most HR professionals see only from company point of view, but I am confident that you must have suggested your friend to abscond because, there is no use of negotiating or talking with the HR of your friends company, who may be some fool, and not ready to accept and understand your friends problem.
If the company is not ready to understand the employees problems then its not worth working for such company, and neither the HR is worth of a discussion. So the members who failed to see the other view would now get an idea as to why your decision is valid at that moment.
Tushar Tandon
thanks a ton to everyone who has responded to my query, i must say that i have learnt a lot from all the replies!!!!
Thanks once again!! but just wanted to inform you that the company has finally accepted to provide him his full and final settlement with the relieving letter!!!
Have a wonderful weekend and a very happy new year!!!:):)
Warm Regards
Tushar Tandon
VR Kadam
Hi Tushar,
I wish you A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2008.
Nice to know that the company had finally agreed to F&F settlement and Relieve letter. Your friend will be happy by now. Keep posting....
VR Kadam
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