Wages are greater than 15000 but EPS contribution is being made based on FORM 11. Do I need to get my EPS contribution stopped?

Hi Madhu T K,
Yes I have raised the grievance for the same stating that my PF wages were 15000 but no EPS contribution is made by the previous employer. The reply that I got was "no claim received, kindly apply claim for processing the same". What does that mean? Could you please clarify? Screen shot of the grievance reply is attached.
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Unfortunate that the EPFO will not take any grievance of members for redressal with the employers. In the past system, the EPFO will initiate to get the same corrected from the employers but now the system is different that the members have to knock the doors of past employers to get some clerical errors or omission corrected. At the same time, it has also happened that a member had filed a case against the past employer with EPFO also a party to it. The matter was settled by the employer himself. You can also send a notice to the past employer that he had acted negligently by not depositing your Pension Fund contribution. You should make the EPFO a party to the notice. If the employer or the EPFO does not respond to the same, you can escalate the matter to the higher level of the EPFO. Online system is useless in such scenarios. Find a good lawyer and send a notice to them.
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