Mbo - Doc Download

I have gone thru many BSC PPT(s) posted on this site............but How shall i fo abt this in my co? It is a v small one............(60 employees.......out of that 13 in IT and the rest in ITES)?
Dont you think that BSC would make matters more complicated? But still I would like to go ahead with this, so need some help from you.
We do not have any software as such..........
It would be great if you could throw some light in this............
Thanks and Regards,
Ramesh Rajagopal
You can use BSC only to select the Key goals. Later without much complications you can follow steps explained by me. No of employees doesnot make any difference. We can even apply this concept to ourself ( Life's BSC is Physical, Intellectual,Emotional and Spiritual factors).
I dont have any software and I dont think softwares required for this. What you need is some excel formats. Once again it depends on your org requirements. It is very difficult to take you through the entire process through this media. My advice is if required, take a good consultant's help.
hey i need to do an assignment on how to design an MBO system for a org and also explainin the utility values for driving a performance can you pls help me out.
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