Dear Parthi,
I think instead of asking basic questions,you should have patience to go through the relevant Act & rules,which will give you the fair idea of what the Acts deals with.Then you will have many queries coming to your mind to which our seniors are there to assist you.This is simple advise, which will helpful in future if you are building a HR career.
Now coming to the term 'retrenchment'. Retrenchment means termination of the contract of service of the employees in a redundancy situation which arise from several factors such as closure of business, restructuring, reduction in production, mergers, technological changes, take-over, economic downturn and others. Section 2 (oo) of the Industrial Disputes Act,1947 defines Retrenchment as -” the termination by the employer of the service of a workman for any reason whatsoever, otherwise than as a punishment inflicted by way of disciplinary action, but does not include voluntary retirement of the workman, superannuation on reaching the age of retirement,on completion of contract period or on the ground of continued ill-health of a workman".The retrenchment carries with host of benefits viz notice period or pay in lieu thereof, retrenchment compensation and re-employment opportunities.The employer has to comply with the statutory provisions contained in the I.D Act & Rules.
BS Kalsi,
Member since Aug 2011