Calculation Of Gratuity [Thread 465839]

R Sir
I have seen the calculation of Gratuity amount but it may difference of Govt. amount. So can u advice me whether it is correct or not?
Dear Yoghitha,
Calculation of gratuity is as per law is follows: -
Basic Salary X No. of year Service X 15 /26 .
You could calculate as per the above.
Surendra Shekhawat
Vipin Kumar Chauhan
Gratuity Eligibility :
1. Any person employed on wages/salary.
2. At the time of retirement or resignation or on superannuation, an employee should have rendered continuous service of not less than five years.
3. Payable without completion of five years only when death and disablement.
This gratuity calculator is applicable only for indan employee.
Gratuity Calculation In India = [ (Basic Pay + D.A) x 15 days x No. of years of service ] / 26
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