It appears the discussion is going off the tangent and is focussed on one point as to how a mistake committed by the HR can keep an employee happy and generate more productivity which is not what the queriest sought to know.Does it mean that HR can commit mistakes that can keep employees happy?The queriest's limited purpose is to understand as to how to rectify a mistake committed in an administrative action. He just wants to know whether mistakes committed inadvertantly or honestly can be rectified and the position can be restored to it's original status.That's all he wants to know from this forum.The object is not to demotivate an employee or to deny confirmation when it becomes due to him as per the policy. His concern is to follow the policy and not to breach the policy even unknowingly.His concen is that no other employee under probation cites this as precedent and make demands for early confirmation. His concern is to avoid allegations of bias from other probationers.he can sufficiently explain the position to the employee and make him understand and addrees any anxiety in the employee about his confirmation and sustain his motivation.This apart, there are more authentic ways than by committing employee beneficial mistakes, to motivate employee to be more productive.
HR & labour Law Advisor
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