Dear C.M.Mohla,
Greetings for the day,
First of all tell me that the deceased employee has filed the nomination & declaration form i.e form-2 or not, if yes then this should be made clear that he was married or unmarried.Thirdly if married then the compensation & benefit goes to family members of the deceased employee, if not the nominated members will be benefited.
Secondly the form required for filing death claim should be Form-20, 5IF & 10D,EPF accumulation should be claim from Form20 for this you have fill this in triplicate for each claimants, afterward same procedure should be followed for filling up form 5(I.F) which is for EDLI & Form10D(For EPS) duly accompained with :
1) Photographs of the claiments duly attested by employer where employee was in job.
2) Age proof of deceased employee (*must be attache with form 20, form 5(IF) & form 10D, seperatly in each set).
3) Death certificate of deceased employee including the autopsy report/police fir copy in case of accidental death (*Do as above).
4) Age proof of claiments(*Do as above)
5) Bank details of claiments(* Do as above)
6) Attested copy of form 2(Nomination & Declaration form) which was earlier submitted to EPFO through employer.
7) Age Proof of claiments(*Do as above).
8) Id Proof of claiments (* Do as above).
For EPF & EDLI accumulation the amount should be transferred to any scheduled/nationalised banks or Post office but for EPS you have to go to EPFO as because EPS accumulation should only be transferred to listed banks of EPFO for various state.
Last but not least if nomination was done then it is well & good, if not no need to worry you should file an affidavit from judicial magistrate to EPFO detailing the relationship with the deceased employee, secondly if the age proof of claimants were also not available they must approach to CMO/CIVIL SURGEON office to obtain a certificate for the same.
If any one not willing to nominate any one for EPFO, he may also nominate any NGO or social body for claim after his /her death.
Thanks & Regards,
Sumit Kumar Saxena,