Leave - Employees Leaves [Thread 374933]

Firstly it purely depends on the policy of the organization which is documented & shared to the employees on what the policy quotes.

Leaves are required on urgency irrespective of whether one has leaves or not in their account.

Leaves are not to be utilized just the heck of it or because its getting lapsed.

There are couple of things that might need to be noted:

If one is not allowed to take leaves during notice period, doesn’t mean that he cannot take leave & have to come to work, what if he is unwell & not in a position to bring some productivity. But at the nos. of days of leave taken, the same nos. of days of notice can be extended.

If leave are calculated calendar year & there are some leave that are getting lapsed & the employee is in notice period, the organization should consider this as exception & get the leaves paid as encashment along with F&F to avoid loopholes (Planned Sick Leaves/Create Emergency).

Coming back to Ruchi’s question, If an employee serving notice period can avail leave?

Go through the organizations policy, if it doesn’t exit & need a logical answer then my answer is yes, one can take leave during notice period.


George Thomas
Hi Ruchi. I fell the issue of leave varies from institution to institution. I say so because in my institution we have a policy on leave which states that no one Commutes more than 15days at the end of year. In this case if there is such a notice of separation it is advised to plan your hand over and exhaust your leave days before your last day. This has helped our institution from spending too much Monies on such packages. I hope it helps. (Quote); "Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self- confidence.". Asnely.
Singana Prasad
Notice period is insisting for completing back log works/pending issues etc, if any and give good start to the successor. There is no rule not to avail leave during notice period and it can be availed with the approval of HOD.
If the employee has manager's approval he can avail leaves.. but.. Any leave taken during notice period automatically becomes a PL. This needs to be accounted for while calculating the encashment of PLs during F&F.
One Day leave can be permitted a month during service of notice period. More leave can be given if company has policy on it. Generelly obtaining leave during service of notice period is not allowed.
dear all
He / She can take leave in respective of after giving regination . Taking leave for some personal or sick leave is the right of the employee , if he/ she is having leave in his / her account . But in order to have good relation with the company . He / She should ensure that in this regards , the company's work he/she is doing at that time will not suffer at any cost .
No rule bans grant of leave to the employee during notice period for resignation. Arbitrary rules should not be followed without any logic. Leave due can be granted to the employee during notice period unless there is the extreme exigency of service, and further to the the condition that the leave period should not go beyond the due date of relief on resignation.
Normally, as per the service rules, NO LEAVE can be availed during the Notice Period. However, it depends upon the contract of employment (esp. in the case of private companies). In case of all Govt. and PSU jobs, NO LEAVE can be availed during the Notice Period. Still, if you take leave, the notice period gets extended by that much of leave period. E.g. If you have given One month notice on 25th Nov. and if you take 4 days Leave (any kind), than the last date of employment will be 29th Dec (and not 25th Dec.)
Further, there are special leave which are preparatory to retirement (LPR-Leave Preparatory to Retirement). Such kind of leave (clubbed with any other kind of leave viz. CL, PL etc.) can be availed during the Notice Period.
Yes, the undersinged is totally agree with Mahavirsingh... But the question leave we dont worry abt his/her balance leave... No SL or CL shall convert into encashment.. only PL is there... Its also depend on the company policy for encashment of maximum leave(PL)....
warm regards,
K Ranga Raju
Dear Friends
Except sick leave, the resigned can not avail other leaves viz., CL / EL.
Most of the companies having the policy of EL encashment.
For information pl.
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