Non Destructive Test

Kesava Pillai
Dear Friends,

I was really wondering as to how a purely QC issue of NDT found its place in safety forum. And if at all there is no safety concern what relevance it has? In fact all those NDT procedures are not that safe; it has very serious safety concerns! Now take up for example “industrial radiography”. How serious a matter is it for a safety man?

1. Can you just get an “isotope” or “source as we call” and bring it to do radiography on your welded pipes?

2. A permit to have a source is required or not?

3. If a permit is required who is the authority to give you the permit?

4. Normally what are the permit conditions?

5. How will you store a source at your premises?

6. Are there any rules to transport a radiation source?

7. Are there specific conditions in the permit to store and for storage facility?

8. Source should be under the control of whom?

9. What are the safety precautions stipulated to do industrial radiography?

10. What are the safety precautions stipulated to conduct radiography at a place of work where other employees are present?

11. What is the qualification required for a radiographer if at all something is required?

12. What is the role of a person called radiation safety officer?

13. What are the personal protective equipment for an industrial radiographer?

14. What are the medical surveillance for a radiographer?

15. In case of a radiation accident what will you do?

16. What about the safety at dark room used by radiographer?

17. What about the safety of chemical used in processing if at all they use chemicals?

18. How will you dispose the waste and used chemicals from radiography?

There are more questions to be answered.

Now can you say all those NDT procedures are to improve occupational safety or purely quality assurance ?


Kesava Pillai
Dear Mr. Kesava Pillai
I have forwarded your questions to the Safety Manager of our construction Site, as we are using radiography to test the welding quality in a Steel Melting Shop and Heavy Forgings Shop Factory.
On receipt of his reply, we can have some idea about the Radiography test for welding.
Anyhow thank you for your questions, as the knowledge develops when the questions are being asked.
Keep on enlightening us with your knowledge of wisdom Mr. Kesava Pillai.
Dear Dhaarani
Thank you for your valuable comments on this thread. As a matter of fact, eventhough we all are from Administrative / HR Department, we must have some technical knowledge and safety awareness about the industry where we are working. Your technical knowledge will help you to understand the problems being faced by the technical workmen, which may help us to serve them better.
So, if your semester exams are over, in your free time, do read some technical books and if possible do some technical course, which may give you some diversified knowledge on Technical Aspects.
Wish you all the best
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