Registration Of Contractor.

Dear Mr. Harikrishnan

I am disagreeing with your reply. The contractor has to obtain the license only as per the job location and principal employer. If a person engages worker in same place with two different Principal Employer (e.g. Hyderabad Air Port Runway work by M/s GMR and Passenger Terminus & Lounge work by M/s China State) location is same but principal employer is different. Hence we have to obtain 2 licenses to carry out the contract work. If the work place is different eventhough the same Principal Employer, then also we have to obtain 2 different licenses.
Respected sir ,
kindly tell me if a contractor having less then 20 workers. need not to take license .more then 20 take to license what the reason .?

what is process when a principal employer take a registration when principal employer engage a contractor and what are formalities and FORM require.
Mr. Boss

Please go through my previous post again. In that post I have not at all adverted to the issues which you say you disagree with me in your latest post in this thread. Please also see section 1(4)(b) of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act. 1970. I extract below this section here for your ready reference.

"(4) It applies

(a) -------

(b)to every contractor who employs or who employed on any day of the preceding twelve months twenty or more workmen:

I also reproduce below section 12(1) of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970

"12. Licensing of cpntractors.- With effect from such date as the appropriate Government may,by notification in the Official Gazette appoint, no contractor to whom this Act applies, shall undertake or execute any work through contract labour except under and in accordance with a license issued in that behalf by the licensing officer."

In the sections above extracted for your ready reference there is no mention about the "Principal Employer" or "job location" as stated by you in your last post in this thread. If you would be kind enough to indicate the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 which specifies, as indicated by you in your last post that contractor has to obtain the license only as per the job location and principal employer I will be much obliged and enlightened.

With regards
respected sir
i need help from you... sir kindly tell me the how to calculation of the workmen compensation in any fatal accident and any measure accident.. and what are new amendment of contract labour..
awaiting for your earliest responds sir
sir kindly give me your mail id.
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Process for Principal Employer

1. Land Document must be (either ownership or Power of attorney) on the name of the Principal Employer.
2. Form I (Application for Registration of Establishment) to be filled.
3. Challan is to be prepared and requisite fee is to be remitted in designated bank/treasury and the original challan to be attached.
4. Establishment's Certificate of Incorporation, Memorarundum of Association
5. In Labour Commissioner Office, they will make entry in a Register about the details of Establishment and its Contractors proposed to be engaged.
6. Then, You will receive Form II (Registration of Establishment Certificate)
7. Please ensure that all the statutory compliances are being adopted by your contractors, because you will be held responsible if your contractors are not following the Statutory Compliances. You can check their records every month on a specific date.

Process for Contractor

1. Obtain copy of Form II (Registration of Establishment Certificate)
2. Obtain Form V (Certificate from Principal Employer)
3. Fill Form IV (Application for obtaining Licence)
4. Remit License Fee through challan in designated Bank/Treasury
5. Remit Labour Security Deposit through Challan in Designated Bank/Treasury (Please preserve a copy of Security Deposit challan which will be required while surrendering the License and for applying refund of Security deposit)
6. Letter of Indent or Work Order issued by Principal Employer.
7. Prepare a covering letter and submit the same to License Issuing Authority.
8. You will get Form VI (License)
9. Please submit Form VI-A (Commencement of Work) within a week's time.
10. Please maintain all the statutory compliances as required by the Law.

Dear Chandan
Please go through <link no longer exists - removed> where I have attached WC Act and Rules, in which you can get the Age Factor.
The Formula for calculating the Workmen Compensation in case of Fatal is
Monthly Wages * Age Factor + Rs.5000/- (for Funeral Expenses)
Hope your doubt is cleared.
Let us expect the reply from Sri. Harikrishnan Sir.
Dear Mr Harikrishnan
Thanks for the detailed opinion on the applicability of the Contract Labour Act. The views expressed by Mr Bhaskar relates to obtaining of Contractor's licence. However, in case if a Contractor engages 15 workers in Hosur (Tamil Nadu), 5 workers in Kolar (Karnataka) and 3 workers in Kuppam (AP), the Act will be applicable to the Contractor but he cannot apply for licence and the Authorities will also not give any licence. Request for your views please.
N Nataraajhan, Sakthi Management Services (HP : + 91 94835 17402 ; e-mail : [Login to view])
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