Ways to implement fish philosophy in your workplace:
Ideas for Applying the "Fish Philosophy"
Joke, joke, joke
Joke with people
Pass around cute jokes - nothing personal or risqué
Say something to make people laugh
Share a joke with a co-worker
Have theme days - have people dress up different
Have office parties - quick lunch, picnics, etc
Ice cream social or other activity
Create a bulletin boards to have fun - any employees can add anything within reason to the board, can be to have fun with someone in company or a national figure or issue, no ridiculing!, no hurtful comments!
Dress up your office or space with fun stuff
Put out toys to play with
Play upbeat music
Squirt guns
Cartoons - Dilbert
Have more fun
Make work fun
Poster's Waldo!, Magic forest
Play with beach balls, balloons, nerf balls, streamers
Say hello to the customer and compliment on how they look (from people that walk in)
Bake goods
Have a candy bowl out at all times
Have little goodies to share
Compliment the one person that looks to be the one having the worst day
Thank people the bring you paper work, calls into your office
Acknowledge accomplishments of another
Find something nice to say to each person (start with at least once a day)
Appreciate what other people do
Make your day by making someone else's
Be nice!
Share with others
Help others
Volunteer time as you have it - that might make someone's day
Be cooperative with coworkers
Make your co-worker's day. Be there for them and listen.
Call someone in another area and say "hello" or call someone in error but comment on how nice they answer the phone and have a smile on your face so they can hear how happy you are.
Smile when you see your co-worker
Smile more
Smile when you pass someone and acknowledge them
Smile at everyone and say hello
Challenge people to smile
Answer the phone with a smile on your face
Share with co-workers 2x
Be friendly and make co-workers laugh
Be friendly with co-workers
Take the time to listen to another person
Be careful not to let your attitude influence your hearing
When you see someone at work sad, go give them a big hug and say they look great today
Make a point to get to know everyone (if you don't already)
Show up for work!
Start each day with a personal positive thought
Come in with an awesome attitude ha ha
Put on a smile - Happy faces work better!
Try to start the day with something good, funny, helpful, etc!
Think happy thoughts
Change attitudes
Be more pleasant to everyone even if you are having a bad day
Choose your attitude or at least be able to recognize that when your attitude is not up to snuff to change it. Thus making others around you feel better about interacting with you.
Have a great attitude
Leave your home stress home
Walk around the building on your break and say hi to everyone you see