Dear Manish
Replies to your questions
1) Can Management stop contributing once employee become member??
Ans. No. there is equal contribution from both member & Company, even if employee excides Rs. 6500/- being a member the deduction will continue from both.
2) Is special permission to be taken from Employee and EPFO?
Ans. If you are deducting PF upto Rs. 6500/- and any staff want more deduction on actual basic which may be RS. 10000/- or higher rate like 20%, he need to request in writing. Now in case of EPFO earlier permission was require by submitted in prescribed format but now they only concern of voluntry PF for people less then 10 in a Company or special rate of deduction at 10%.
3) Is EMployer had to match the contribution of Employee?
If the Company is dedcuting addition PF like 12% of actual basic salary e.g. Rs. 10000/- or 20 % of basic uniformaly for other employees than yes equal contribution is required. but only few people wants to have voluntry deducyion then company can contribute to the extent of statute only.
Thanks & Regards
Shonarth Consultancy