Why dont you think of something that would be more like a team building / Relationship improvement session.
Anyone would feel good about knowing how much one appreciates his/her personality / attributes/ skills. Take for instance if you have 20 staff members on friday - send an email to everyone on the floor with the names of people who they closely interact with. Ask them to be ready with the positive attributes they feel about the person in the list, and read it out loud durign teh Friendship day meeting.
It can be as simple as - what I would have to say for my colleague: (Example)
"When I first met Jane I thought she was just full of attitude, and a stubborn natured lady. But duringteh time I spent interacting with her closely especially during the abc project, I just realized how bad I was at judging such a wonderful person.
If there are any praises for my work - it goes to Jane's efforts in moulding me to hwat I am today.
Jane - you are a true leader. I am sure that a few years down the line, you would have many people wanting to work in your team - simply because you know how to make the best of anyone!"
After this - distribute something good to eat (snacks). People crave for that.
Maybe you can have a cake cutting ceremony too.