Details On Workman Compensation Act

show me please how calculation of compensation works with an example. say if a staff earning 9000rupees per month gross salary, in case he dies at work place and he has no insurance at all then with employee compensation act in mind, how much compensation he will be entitled for from the employer? you can even reply to my email
Ms. Vishwas
if an employer gets enrolled in Workmen Compensation Act then is he liable to pay the ESI or not?
Venkatesan J
Dear Team,
I have one clarification.
I am working in a software industry and our company comes under shop & establishment act in tamilnadu.
My questions is if we engage a vendor or service provider for our company purpose like cleaning, AMC, etc. do they need to comply workman compensation policy as per local regulation in India? Except PF and ESIC.
Please help me with your valuable answer.
Venkatesan J
Venkatesan J
Dear Team,
I have one clarification.
I am working in a software industry and our company comes under shop & establishment act in tamilnadu.
My questions is if we engage a vendor or service provider for our company purpose like cleaning, AMC, etc. do they need to comply workman compensation policy as per local regulation in India? but those vendors have PF, ESIC as per local regulation.
Please help me with your valuable answer.
Venkatesan J
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