What all maharishi said is true and very motivating but the fact is that we r learning these things most of the time by the interpretation done by foreign authors. To substantiate the point further i add following embodiments :
There is a need to delve deep in an untouched area so far as to how HRM concepts and culture building practices were widely prevalent in ancient India and how Indians were really the precursors and founding fathers of all management principles and practices being labelled as 'Modern Management' by western countries. Chanakya was the world's first management guru much before the Peter F Drucker, Lord Krishna was the example of worlds best Leader and Vidur was the greatest strategician but very little work has been done on the management aspects of great Indian masters.
the need of the hour is to study and systematically translate these ancient theoritical and academic findings into relevant and practical managerial applications as is being done by foreigners. Kautilya's 'Arthshastra', Lord Krishna 'Geeta" are great treasures of such ideas, while king Vikramaditya and king Agrasen propounded theories which have been adopted by western masters in the form of 'Modern Management.
In yet another embodiment : SWOT analysis (9.1.1); Corporate governance (1.19.34); Handling employees; selection of employees and theory of Motivation - Sama (counselling), Dana (offering of gifts), Danda (Punishments), Bheda (creating a split) (1.5.4-5); wealth creation (9.4.26), role of a consultant (1.15.2,35,40), information (1.15.20-21) are these concepts which we are using in the name of modern management are actually derived from Chanakaya Arthashastra and niti as evident by the shloka/sukti no. mentioned within brackets.
Similarly the concepts derived by the so called Drucker / Kotler / Robbins are very well mentioned in Geeta and other upnishads.
want to add more but some other time as getting sleepy..
with best regards
alok goel
NB-The views expressed are my PERSONAL views only without any disregard to any authority/person/entity.