Thank you friends for your valuable inputs !!!
Organization culture is defined as :
"a system of shared values and beliefs that produces norms of behavior and establish an organizational way of life" (Koberg & Chusmir, 1987, p.397).
Culture includes :
Values and beliefs- value integration
Leadership – management modeling, empowerment, developmental coaching, building effective teams.
Human resource systems- employee orientation, continues learning, performance management, reward systems
Organizational character- informal communication, organization feedback, adaptability to change
An important factor in analyzing organizational culture is to look for details. Details provide evidence of the organizational culture almost like a guide on a hunting trip, its to no avail only to know what a lion looks like, its imperative to know the footprint of the lion, to look for the broken twig, to look for evidence of the resting place, whether the lion is alone or with cubs in a pack. "Analyze the details" Analysis is important because culture influences every aspect of the organization and has an impact on the performance of organizations.
Now going back to my original question : Why companies are NOT diagnosing their culture if HR persons, like you all, know the, importance and the effect, of a proper or conducive culture on the bottomline.....
I tried to find out different frameworks and models to diagnose the Organizational culture but i found that there is hardly any company in India who have done such kind of exercise, but whosoever did it, has gained a lot from making a conducive culture.........