Dear all Seniors, I don't understand how to calculate training Mondays per employee per year, total manpower is 700. Our company training target is 6 man-days per employee per year. we are maintaining training hrs on monthly basis. Our company is an automobile so request all of you please help us.
From India, New Delhi
From India, New Delhi
Hellow JP, = Total Training Hrs = OJT + classroom Training = Total Training Hrs/Per Day = per day/total number of employees if you have any helps please let me know. Regards, Avira H R solution
From India, Gurgaon
From India, Gurgaon
Dear JP Singh,
It appears that you have confused between "Monday" and "man-day". The meaning of the latter is "a day regarded in terms of the amount of work that can be done by one person within this period."
Your company has 700 employees and target is to complete six training days per annum per employee. In that case total number of man-days in a year would be 700 x 6 = 4,200. To know monthly man-days, you need to divide this number by 12. Therefore, the total training man-days per month would be 350. Assuming that there are 25 working days per month, when we divide 350 by 25, we get 14.
Therefore, every working day, you need to train 14 or 15 employees. Don't you think that the target is too ambitious?
By the way, fixing training days per employee per year is a little bureaucratic approach. Don't you think you should give preference to measuring the impact of the training over the hours or days spent in the training?
If you are from manufacturing company, then for your business, the following costs are important:
a) Inventory Carrying Cost of Raw Materials
b) Work in Progress (WIP) Inventory Costs
c) Inventory Carrying Cost of Finished Goods
d) Capital costs to run the operations
e) Capacity costs
f) Maintenance costs
g) Quality costs
h) Inspection costs
Therefore, your focus should be on controlling the above costs and not on the number of training hours per se. Controlling the above costs may demand more or fewer days of training than six man-days per annum. Therefore, you may decide your priorities on the business requirements or hours of the training.
Earlier, there was a query on the training budget. You may click here to refer to my reply.
Dinesh Divekar
From India, Bangalore
It appears that you have confused between "Monday" and "man-day". The meaning of the latter is "a day regarded in terms of the amount of work that can be done by one person within this period."
Your company has 700 employees and target is to complete six training days per annum per employee. In that case total number of man-days in a year would be 700 x 6 = 4,200. To know monthly man-days, you need to divide this number by 12. Therefore, the total training man-days per month would be 350. Assuming that there are 25 working days per month, when we divide 350 by 25, we get 14.
Therefore, every working day, you need to train 14 or 15 employees. Don't you think that the target is too ambitious?
By the way, fixing training days per employee per year is a little bureaucratic approach. Don't you think you should give preference to measuring the impact of the training over the hours or days spent in the training?
If you are from manufacturing company, then for your business, the following costs are important:
a) Inventory Carrying Cost of Raw Materials
b) Work in Progress (WIP) Inventory Costs
c) Inventory Carrying Cost of Finished Goods
d) Capital costs to run the operations
e) Capacity costs
f) Maintenance costs
g) Quality costs
h) Inspection costs
Therefore, your focus should be on controlling the above costs and not on the number of training hours per se. Controlling the above costs may demand more or fewer days of training than six man-days per annum. Therefore, you may decide your priorities on the business requirements or hours of the training.
Earlier, there was a query on the training budget. You may click here to refer to my reply.
Dinesh Divekar
From India, Bangalore
Dear Mr J P Singh,
The formula to calculate training mandays is very simple. ( Total Mandays invested in training in year / total number of employees.)
Total Mandays invested in training = Internal Training mandays + External training mandays +Mandays invested in orientation and induction of new employees.
Internal Training = On the job training + Off the job training ( class Room Training)
External Training= Mandays invested in training means employees send outside the organisation to attend training programmes + attending knowledge sharing programs at national and international levels + KIP ( Knowledge Improvement Planns) Visits in sister concerns.
We do hope that it will answer your quarry.
Please feel free to write to me for further discussions.
From India, Delhi
The formula to calculate training mandays is very simple. ( Total Mandays invested in training in year / total number of employees.)
Total Mandays invested in training = Internal Training mandays + External training mandays +Mandays invested in orientation and induction of new employees.
Internal Training = On the job training + Off the job training ( class Room Training)
External Training= Mandays invested in training means employees send outside the organisation to attend training programmes + attending knowledge sharing programs at national and international levels + KIP ( Knowledge Improvement Planns) Visits in sister concerns.
We do hope that it will answer your quarry.
Please feel free to write to me for further discussions.
From India, Delhi
Dear JP
Formula for Training Man-days
1) First convert Training hours in Training Man-days
e.g. 200 hours of training 2000/6 =333 Man-days (excluding the time for admin and physical arrangement a day the actual trng. day could be considered of 6 hours)
2) Divide total Training Man-days by Total employees on roll of the organization.
If you have total 100 employees so your Avg. training man-days will be 3.33 .
Please note the concept of Training Man-days is not per fact and does not give real picture as it considers total man-hours where it is possible particular employee or employees of particular departments are imparted higher training and some might have not undergone any training. The ideal way is to have individual's training score.
Shailesh Parikh
99 98 97 10 65
From India, Mumbai
Formula for Training Man-days
1) First convert Training hours in Training Man-days
e.g. 200 hours of training 2000/6 =333 Man-days (excluding the time for admin and physical arrangement a day the actual trng. day could be considered of 6 hours)
2) Divide total Training Man-days by Total employees on roll of the organization.
If you have total 100 employees so your Avg. training man-days will be 3.33 .
Please note the concept of Training Man-days is not per fact and does not give real picture as it considers total man-hours where it is possible particular employee or employees of particular departments are imparted higher training and some might have not undergone any training. The ideal way is to have individual's training score.
Shailesh Parikh
99 98 97 10 65
From India, Mumbai
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