hi, Please guide me to write warning letter for ignorance of work which caused big loss to company. Regards Swati S
From India, Mumbai
From India, Mumbai
Dear Swati,
You should have given the issue elaborately. However, I suggest the following letter.
Dear .......
It has come to the notice of manage that you are not performing your job diligently and professionally.
Either you are not having proper understanding of the job content or not showing interest in carrying out the job properly. As a result, the company has incurred heavy loss on account of your poor performance and ignorance about the job. If you are not conversant with your job you should have approached your immediate superiors to know the job content and how to proceed with the job and complete it successfully. But you are not bothered to explore the method of doing a perfect job by consulting your superiors.
This shows your in-attitude towards your job.
You are hereby warned not to repeat such incidents in future and get yourself properly trained by your senior personnel and keep yourself get knowledgeable for performing the job.
If you do not show marked improvement in carrying out the job as per standards required by management, we shall be constrained to dispense your services without giving any notice.
Please acknowledge.
Yours faithfully,
From India, Visakhapatnam
You should have given the issue elaborately. However, I suggest the following letter.
Dear .......
It has come to the notice of manage that you are not performing your job diligently and professionally.
Either you are not having proper understanding of the job content or not showing interest in carrying out the job properly. As a result, the company has incurred heavy loss on account of your poor performance and ignorance about the job. If you are not conversant with your job you should have approached your immediate superiors to know the job content and how to proceed with the job and complete it successfully. But you are not bothered to explore the method of doing a perfect job by consulting your superiors.
This shows your in-attitude towards your job.
You are hereby warned not to repeat such incidents in future and get yourself properly trained by your senior personnel and keep yourself get knowledgeable for performing the job.
If you do not show marked improvement in carrying out the job as per standards required by management, we shall be constrained to dispense your services without giving any notice.
Please acknowledge.
Yours faithfully,
From India, Visakhapatnam
Dear Sir,
It is brought to the notice of Management that you are not performing your job as per the guidelines given by your seniors and committing lot of mistakes in your day to day works, either by your negligence or lack of knowledge. The company was put into loss on account of your failure to act properly on time for the specific job entrusted to you. When you are not able to understand the job entrusted to you, you should have consulted your seniors who can guide you properly. But you have not done this.
Please explain why action should not be taken against you for such serious lapses on your part. Your explanation should reach us on or before dt.___________.
Yours faithfully,
After receipt of reply to our notice, if the explanation is acceptable to company, we have to issue another letter to the candidate.
Dear Sir,
We have noted the explanation given by you. Considering your request and also keeping in your past service into account, Management has taken a lenient view.
You are hereby warned not to repeat such serious lapses and you should take utmost care with due diligence in carrying out your job in future. However, you will be vouched continuously for 3 months and if any such lapses are repeated the management will take deterrent action as deemed fit.
Please acknowledge.
Yours faithfully,
From India, Visakhapatnam
It is brought to the notice of Management that you are not performing your job as per the guidelines given by your seniors and committing lot of mistakes in your day to day works, either by your negligence or lack of knowledge. The company was put into loss on account of your failure to act properly on time for the specific job entrusted to you. When you are not able to understand the job entrusted to you, you should have consulted your seniors who can guide you properly. But you have not done this.
Please explain why action should not be taken against you for such serious lapses on your part. Your explanation should reach us on or before dt.___________.
Yours faithfully,
After receipt of reply to our notice, if the explanation is acceptable to company, we have to issue another letter to the candidate.
Dear Sir,
We have noted the explanation given by you. Considering your request and also keeping in your past service into account, Management has taken a lenient view.
You are hereby warned not to repeat such serious lapses and you should take utmost care with due diligence in carrying out your job in future. However, you will be vouched continuously for 3 months and if any such lapses are repeated the management will take deterrent action as deemed fit.
Please acknowledge.
Yours faithfully,
From India, Visakhapatnam
Dear Swati,
The question you raised for advice is cryptic and is devoid of necessary details required for careful consideration. The term ignorance of work can be interpreted in different ways viz the person is ignorant of job knowledge and experience required for the job he has been recruited. This might have happened due to reason that he has been placed on a job demanding skill other than what the recruitee posseses or he has been recruited for the job without assessing his skill/knowledge for the job in question. In both these situations the HR department is to blame for its inefficiency for which the employee concerned cannot be held responsible.
In the other case you have not clarified what the person is doing while he ignores his job viz if he idles, he incites his co or other workers, absents from work etc. Your warning letter will be lame and not very effective if issued.
However, a warning letter is sugested as under:
Designation............Section...........Departmen t..............
It has been brought to the notice of the management that you have ignoring your work since.......and have been loitering while on duty. This has adversely affected production in your section and is affecting the discipline of the section. Your supervisor has advised you time and again against it but in vain.
In view of the above you are hereby warned and advised to desist these activities in future. In case no improvement is found in your work and conduct in future, the management will be compelled to take disciplinary action as it may deem fit.
In case the employee comes up with a reply, pl. ignore.
Thanks and regards
From India, Delhi
The question you raised for advice is cryptic and is devoid of necessary details required for careful consideration. The term ignorance of work can be interpreted in different ways viz the person is ignorant of job knowledge and experience required for the job he has been recruited. This might have happened due to reason that he has been placed on a job demanding skill other than what the recruitee posseses or he has been recruited for the job without assessing his skill/knowledge for the job in question. In both these situations the HR department is to blame for its inefficiency for which the employee concerned cannot be held responsible.
In the other case you have not clarified what the person is doing while he ignores his job viz if he idles, he incites his co or other workers, absents from work etc. Your warning letter will be lame and not very effective if issued.
However, a warning letter is sugested as under:
Designation............Section...........Departmen t..............
It has been brought to the notice of the management that you have ignoring your work since.......and have been loitering while on duty. This has adversely affected production in your section and is affecting the discipline of the section. Your supervisor has advised you time and again against it but in vain.
In view of the above you are hereby warned and advised to desist these activities in future. In case no improvement is found in your work and conduct in future, the management will be compelled to take disciplinary action as it may deem fit.
In case the employee comes up with a reply, pl. ignore.
Thanks and regards
From India, Delhi
Dear Friend
If huge loss is said to be caused by an act of any employee to your company, first of all you are required to give him a charge sheet on the grounds of negligence on his part in discharging his duty.After getting an explanation from such employee, if management did not satisfy with the reasons as stated by such employee, you are having the below mentioned options
1.To conduct an inquiry into the charges leveled against employee by appointing an inquiry officer
2. If the inquiry officer finds that charges are proved in an inquiry against the employee, after following due procedure, you can take the any of the below mentioned actions
a. Warning
b Annual increment cut
c Stopping annual increment with cumulative effect
d. Degrade the employee to lower grade without making any change in his present salary
e Discharge
f Termination
Or else if the employee on receipt of charge sheet, directly admits his guilty for the above act of misconduct, then only warning letter could be served on him and in such a case inquiry need not be conducted to establish the charge. If you follow the procedure as stated above, it will be in conformity with the principles of natural justice and there will not be any legal complications from management side.It is my personal opinion
From India, Hyderabad
If huge loss is said to be caused by an act of any employee to your company, first of all you are required to give him a charge sheet on the grounds of negligence on his part in discharging his duty.After getting an explanation from such employee, if management did not satisfy with the reasons as stated by such employee, you are having the below mentioned options
1.To conduct an inquiry into the charges leveled against employee by appointing an inquiry officer
2. If the inquiry officer finds that charges are proved in an inquiry against the employee, after following due procedure, you can take the any of the below mentioned actions
a. Warning
b Annual increment cut
c Stopping annual increment with cumulative effect
d. Degrade the employee to lower grade without making any change in his present salary
e Discharge
f Termination
Or else if the employee on receipt of charge sheet, directly admits his guilty for the above act of misconduct, then only warning letter could be served on him and in such a case inquiry need not be conducted to establish the charge. If you follow the procedure as stated above, it will be in conformity with the principles of natural justice and there will not be any legal complications from management side.It is my personal opinion
From India, Hyderabad
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