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Dear All
We have to do an internal survey in the organization to measure the satisfaction level among the employees from the policies, practicies & approaches of HR department or in other words I have to do the survey on internal customer satisfaction.

Please can any body help me with any questionnaire or guidance that how to go for that.
I will be highly thankful for your immediate help.

From India, New Delhi
Hi Colleague: I enclose herewith a questionnaire on Employee Satisfaction Survey, which you can use to measure the Employee Satisfaction. Best wishes: R Sundararajan
From India, Madras
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File Type: doc employe_satisfaction_survey_format_243.doc (100.5 KB, 586 views)

it is really a very useful format to know the satisfaction level in any company.
i wanted to know more about this satisfaction survey mr. sundarjan. what would be the next step after this survey? How it would be useful for employee as well employer?
I wanted to do this survey in my company as their are some internal problems going on in our company...........
if you have time can u plz elaborate the method and procedure to conduct this survey.
Thanks in advance

From India, Dehra Dun
Dear Bhartendu, Please find attached a questionaire on the same, may help to develop e.sat survey questionaire on those lines.:icon1: 29100 Best regards, Shobha
From India, Delhi
Hi Rajrathore:
Employee Satisfaction Survey (ESS) is only a diagnostic tool. After you complete the survey, you haveto analyse the data. Computers can help you to analyse the data in a quick way. Based on the analysis of the data, you will realise whether the employees are satisfied or not and if not satisfied, what are the reasons threfor. You can come to conclusions only after analysis of data.
R Sundararajan

From India, Madras
*NOT AT ALL SATISFIED [0] .................................................. ...........EXTREMELY SATISFIED [10]
I. Understands and respects your organisation's way of doing business .........................................
2. Identifies and understands your service needs and expectations and is responsive to them. ..............................
3. Keeps you informed of progress, meets deadlines

4. Alerts you to difficulties and changes in your operating environment...................................
5. Works well with your people
6. Please provide an overall Satisfaction rating on HR DEPT. 's Sensitivity to Your Needs ...........

1. Helps you to understand how the latest rulings, technology or ideas
in the marketplace will affect your organisation .................
2. Knows and understands your organisation's objectives and
strategies ............................................
3. Has specific knowledge of your market sector and industry .......
4. Focuses on key issues and critical areas ........................
5. Please provide an overall Satisfaction
rating on HR DEPT.'s Business Perspective ...........
1. Consistently maintains a high standard of professionalism. .........
2. Has strong and up-to-date knowledge of relevant technical
practices and methodologies ................................
3. Is committed to excellence and quality ........................
4. Effectively uses technology where appropriate ..................
5. Please provide an overall Satisfaction rating on HR DEPT.'s Technical Knowledge and Expertise...

1. Communicates well with all levels of your organisation ..
2. Written communications are clear and concise, technical points well communicated .........................
3. Oral communications are clear and effective ...........
4. Explains plans in adequate detail ....................
5. Keeps you regularly informed of progress ............
6. Listens well to your requirements and needs ..........
7. Please provide an overall Satisfaction rating for HR DEPT.s Communication ..................
1. High calibre of staff ......................................
2. Conduct themselves as part of your team and extend
your resources ..........................................
3. Effectively uses your time, knowledge and resources
to complete assignments successfully ........................
4. Provides partner/manager continuity.........................
5. Takes steps to minimise disruptions to your management and staff.
6. Is accessible and approachable ..............................
7. Effectively coordinates with other DEPARTMENTS ......
8. Provides expertise across a range of HR specialist areas .............

9. Please provide an overall Satisfaction rating for HR DEPT. 's Engagement Team.................
1. Takes initiative to identify opportunities and investigate problems, where appropriate, beyond focus of specific assignments ........
2. Anticipates and alerts you to problems ......................
3. Helps your company to continuously improve and be
more successful .........................................
4. Helps you make better decisions, thereby increasing your
effectiveness ...........................................
5. Provides innovative, creative ideas ..........................
6. Shares local and relevant worldwide knowledge and experience . .
7. Please provide an overall Satisfaction rating for HR DEPT.'s Proactivity................
1. Makes cost-saving recommendations ........................
2. Effective assessment of scope, man-hours and related costs ......
3. Communicates issues in a timely fashion. ..................
4. Provides value relative to the cost..........................
5. Please provide an overall Satisfaction rating for HR DEPT.s

Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with HR DEPT........................
/. Do you have any specific areas of concern, or problems in our service delivery that you would like us to address?
/fyes, please provide details below:
2. If you have any other comments, please record them below:
3. Are you happy for the above evaluation and comments to be disclosed.
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
VERY POOR[0].................................................. .................EXCELLENT [10]
1.We have modern and up to date equipment In our work
place .
2 There are no barriers between internal departments .
3 Communication is clear, appropriate and accurate in our
4 My colleagues understand my problems and help me in
solving them
5 we develop relevant solutions in our division
6 Information is obtained through official channel
7 There is a feeling of confidence and trust in our division
8 We practice team work in our division
9 We perform the service right the first time so as to avoid
to make corrections in our division
10 Our division is service oriented and we aim to please
11 Colleagues in branch/regional offices are known
to be very reliable
12 We believe in the competence of our colleagues to
produce quality work in our division
13 The training program available help me in m
Communication in clear, appropriate and
accurate in our division
14. We develop relevant solutions in our division
15. We perform the service right the first time so as
to avoid having to make corrections in our division
16. Colleagues in branch/regional offices are
known to be vary reliable
17. We believe in the competence of our colleagues
to produce quality work in our division
Customer SATISFACTION Survey

On a scale of 1(unacceptable) to 10 (outstanding), please rate our performance in the following nine areas by circling the number that best defines how well we performed. Please feel free to provide specific comments for each statement. If there is an area we did not cover below, please feel free to add them at the bottom of the survey form.

1. How would you rate the overall quality of service provided by the HR Division ?
2. How would you rate the convenience of our service?
3. How would you rate the promptness of service provided?
4. How would you rate the accessibility of the HR Division staff?
5. How would you rate the training you received from the HR Division staff?
6. How would you rate the written materials received from the HR Division (Were they easy to read and helpful? i.e., instructions, guidelines, forms).
7. Were HR Division staff attentive and helpful relative to your comments and concerns?
8. Did HR Division staff display professionalism & courtesy?

9. Are HR Division staff knowledgeable?
Please let us know about experiences and incidents with HR Division (i.e., staff, equipment, connectivity, customer service) that impressed or disappointed you.
================================================== =============
Bottom of Form 1
Rating Period
Maximum Rathing: 4 points x 30 items=120
O=Outstanding, 4 points per item; 96-120
G=Good, 3 points, per item; 72-75
S=Satisfactory, 2 points per item; 48-71
NI=Needs Improvement, 1 point per item; 24-47
U=Unsatisfactory; 0-23
The HR makes all customers feel welcome at the DEPARTMENT.
· The HR person makes eye contact with, smiles at, and greets all customers he/she encounters.
· The HR person welcomes all customers
· The HR person promptly acknowledges customers waiting at service points.
· The HR person re-acknowledges waiting customers when volume of business does not permit them to be served promptly.
· The HR person thanks customers for visiting the department
· The HR person invites departing customers to visit again.
The HR person is courteous to all customers.
· The HR person gives every customer service interaction his/her full attention.
· The HR person uses a pleasant, low tone of voice in all customer service interactions.
· The HR person stays calm and patient in all customer service interactions.
· The HR person uses positive phrasing in explaining problems and COMPANY rules.
· The HR person is open-minded and respectful toward customers with problems needing resolution.
· The HR person refers difficult customer service interactions to SENIOR personnel.
The HR person communicates clearly to all customers.
· The HR person explains COMPANY rules and procedures using positive phrasing.
· The HR person explains the steps being taken to resolve a problem.
· The HR person avoids HR jargon and substitutes vocabulary the customer will be familiar with.
The HR person saves the customer’s time.
· The HR person apologizes to a customer kept waiting in person or on the telephone.
· The HR person explains to a customer when a problem or procedure is likely to take more than a few minutes.
· The HR person offers the customer the choice of waiting for an answer or resolution or being called back later.
The HR person completes customer service interactions and solves problems completely.
· The HR person takes all the time needed to assist customers, while using their time effectively to complete other work.
· The HR person seeks assistance from co-workers to get time needed for complicated customer service interactions, as necessary.
· The HR person who is unable to assist a customer completely refers them to a staff member who can.
· The HR person uses open-ended questions to determine a customer’s real need or problem.
· The HR person uses feedback and paraphrase to clarify a customer’s need or problem.
· The HR person invites the customer to return to the service point if their need has not been completely met.
· The HR person uses follow-up problem solving for needs and problems which appear initially cannot be met.
The HR person makes good on customer service interactions which have been handled mistakenly or inappropriately.
· The HR person acknowledges when a mistake has been made.
· The HR person apologizes when a mistake has been made.
· The HR person makes every attempt to follow-up on and correct mistakes.
· The HR person makes good on customer service interactions in which even the possibility of a mistake is evident.
================================================== =============

From India, Mumbai
Dear Sir,

Thanks a lot for this. I was searching this from last 1 week. My be my filter/search was not suited with your mail & today I got this.

Thanks once again for your valuable information.


From India
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