Hi Dear Members, Here I have attached a brief PPT on EPF & ESIC of India. I think it would refresh our knowledge about these entities. If you have any suggestions kindly let me know...........
From India, New Delhi
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Dear Sir, That was really knowledge booster. Keep doing the good work. Regards, Rahul Gaikwad HR Exe.
From India, Mumbai
Hello Mahipal Sir,
Could you please tell me that if any employee has resigned from job by completing 2 yrs. And after resign if he wants to withdraw his PF contribution then according to my knowledge he/she will get (Employee contribution 12% + Employer contribution 3.67% + interest as per govt. rule).
Please tell me that am i right. I am confused about getting employer contribution. Shall we get both empr contrib (8.33%+ 3.67%) or only one acct contribution bet'n it.
Thanks & Regards,

From India, Pune
Dear Sir, That was really knowledge booster. Keep doing the good work. Regards, Sachin Bhujbal
From India, Mumbai
Dear Monali,
Employer share deposited in two accounts (Ac. No. 1) as knowan Provident Fund and second account (Ac. No. 10) Pension fund. when you apply for withdraw befor 10 years service, you need fill two form (10 C & 19) for total withdrawal.

From India, New Delhi
Dear Professionals,
My company is a group of companies. under this we have 7 companies and Different operations. We have PF & Esic registration for 1 company, because of 100 employees strength, but in other companies only 8-9 people are there
My query is whether PF & ESIC is applicable for my other 6 companies, since it is a group of companies (Same Directors)
Kindly confirm with relevant document/ Section etc.,

From India, Bangalore
Hi Monali,
Here every employee is eligible for getting the the whole amount 12% + ( 8.33%+3.67 % ) + interest. Also he can withdraw the same amount after completing atleast 6 mths tenure in the company.
The EPS part is applicable only when he completes 10 years of service. So the part 8.33% never retained by the govt.

From India, New Delhi
Hi Praveen,
As per my knowledge, Any A) Non-seasonal factories using power and employing ten(10) or more persons or B) Non-seasonal and non power using factories and establishments employing twenty (20) or more persons are eligible to register for ESIC .
And A) every establishment which is a factory engaged in any industry specified in Schedule I and in which twenty or more persons are employed and
(B) to any other establishment employing twenty or more persons or class of such establishments which the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify, in this behalf are eligible for EPF register.
If you go through the document file attached here by me it is clearly mentioned there. ( Page 7, 11).

From India, New Delhi
We will provide PAN ,TAN,ESI & PF Professional tax Registration Service and GST Registration and ROC/MCA Registration pls contact Lakshmi Pranitha Consultancy Services(7032057999)
From India, Hyderabad
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